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Study finds exposure to air pollution during pregnancy increases risk of postpartum depression for at least three years

Study finds exposure to air pollution during pregnancy increases risk of postpartum depression for at least three years
Study finds exposure to air pollution during pregnancy increases risk of postpartum depression for at least three years


Higher levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) or respirable particulate matter (PM10Women exposed to air pollution during the second trimester of pregnancy are nearly four times more likely to suffer from postpartum depression than women exposed to lower levels of air pollution, and this increased risk persists for at least three years, according to a study published in the journal Nature. Comprehensive Environmental Science.

“What's really novel about this study is that it extends the look at depression beyond the first year postpartum and shows that air pollution during pregnancy has a lasting effect on depressive symptoms up to three years postpartum,” she said. Dr. Tracy Bastienassociate professor of clinical population and public health sciences. Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California The lead author of the study.

no2 PM is produced by the combustion of fossil fuels in automobiles and power plants.10“Air pollution,” which refers to particles smaller than 10 micrometers in diameter, can include everything from dust and pollen to pollutants from factories and wildfires. High concentrations or long-term exposure to these chemicals are known to increase the risk of a variety of health problems, including asthma, heart attack and stroke. A new area of ​​research supported by a team at the Keck School of Medicine is now investigating the long-term effects of exposure to these and other chemicals on the health of mothers and children.

The longitudinal study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, followed 361 mothers from the start of their pregnancy through three years after giving birth. Researchers collected data on the mothers' depressive symptoms one, two, and three years after giving birth and compared that with weekly measurements of air pollution near their homes during pregnancy. They found a strong association between pollution levels and later depressive symptoms.

Women with high levels of NO exposure2 Between the 13th and 29th weeks of pregnancy, women were 3.86 times more likely to develop postpartum depression up to three years after giving birth.10 Women exposed between weeks 12 and 28 faced a 3.88 times higher risk. Overall, 17.8% of women had depressive symptoms after one year, 17.5% after two years, and 13.4% after three years.

“Our study found that the rate of clinically significant depression was Recent CDC data“This is very important because there are probably more people with postpartum depression out there than the national prevalence data would suggest,” Basten said.

The researchers said their findings point to the need for continued mental health screening beyond 12 months postpartum, and suggest that minimising exposure to air pollution during the third trimester may help reduce the risk of depression.

High risk of exposure

This study includes: Maternal and Developmental Risks from Environmental and Social Stressors (MADRES) Environmental Health Disparities Center Conducted at the Keck School of Medicine, MADRES will follow predominantly Hispanic/Latino families in Los Angeles from conception through early childhood to measure the effects of various environmental exposures on long-term health.

Bastain and colleagues measured clinically significant depressive symptoms at 12, 24, and 36 months postpartum using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). They also assessed each participant's air pollution exposure by matching air quality data from outdoor air pollution monitors across Southern California with residential addresses (including address changes). For each participant, they calculated average weekly exposure levels to the four pollutants during pregnancy.2,afternoon10,afternoon2.5 and ozone (O3).

The researchers calculated the effect of exposure to air pollution on the risk of postpartum depression and interpreted the data scaled to the interquartile range of exposure to each pollutant. They found that exposure to relatively low levels (25Number Have a relatively high level of exposure (75 percent of the cohort)Number Cohort percentiles were used to quantify differences in depression risk due to each pollutant.

High NO levels2 Exposure from 13 to 29 weeks of pregnancy increased the risk of depression 1 to 3 years postpartum by 3.86 times.10 Postpartum depression risk increased by and O3 There was no increased risk of postnatal depression.

Reduce the risk of depression

The findings suggest that reducing exposure to air pollution during the third trimester of pregnancy can lower the risk of postpartum depression. Exercise during pregnancy remains important, but Basten said women should avoid exercising outdoors during times of high air pollution, such as morning and evening rush hour or during wildfires. In summer, staying indoors (preferably with air conditioning) during the hottest parts of the day and away from busy roads may also help.

“Another important implication of our study is that depression may persist long after 12 months postpartum and mothers should consult their health care provider if they experience ongoing symptoms of depression,” Basten said.

Next, Basten and her colleagues at the MADRES Center plan to further study the long-term effects of air pollution and chemical exposure on the health of mothers and children, including investigating the biological processes behind various health risks.

“We will continue to pursue this research to protect the long-term health of mothers and children,” she said.

About the Study

In addition to Bastain, other authors on the study include Yuhong Hu, Zhongzheng Niu, Sandrah P. Eckel, Tingyu Yang, Xinci Chen, Mario Vigil, Erika Garcia, Jill Johnston, Genevieve Dunton, Shohreh Farzan, Rima Habre and Carrie Breton of the Department of Population and Public Health Sciences, Keck Medicine of USC; Brendan Grubbs and Laila Al-Marayati of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Keck Medicine of USC; Claudia Toledo-Corral of California State University, Northridge; Nathan Pavlovic and Fred Lurmann of Sonoma Technology, Inc., Petaluma, California; and Deborah Lerner and Nathana Lurvey of Eisner Health, Los Angeles, California.

This research was supported by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities. [P50MD015705]National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences [P50ES026086, P30ES007048]Environmental Protection Agency [83615801-0] Office of the ECHO Program Director, National Institutes of Health [UH3OD023287].




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