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The number of people with dementia in Australia is predicted to more than double by 2058

The number of people with dementia in Australia is predicted to more than double by 2058


Australia needs to focus on prevention and better primary care to tackle the growing number of people with dementia, according to the peak body for people with dementia.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) A new report was released He said the number of people with dementia is predicted to more than double over the next 34 years.

It is estimated that around 411,100 people in Australia live with dementia, of which around one in three live in the community rather than in specialist care.

The report found that in 2022-23, around 688,000 prescriptions for dementia medication will be issued to around 72,400 Australians aged 30 and over. This represents a 46 per cent increase from just over 472,000 issued to around 50,800 people in 2013-14.

However, the AIHW says there is currently no single, reliable data source that can determine the exact number of people living with dementia in the country.

“Australia's population is expected to continue to grow and age, and the number of people living with dementia is expected to increase,” the AIHW said.

Australia's ageing population is associated with increased dementia

The government agency said Australia's population is expected to continue to grow and age, so the number of people with dementia is likely to increase.

That's because rates of dementia rise dramatically with age.

For example, in Australia, fewer than 1 in 1,000 people under 60 has dementia.

But for those aged 75 to 79, that number jumps to 71 per 1,000, and for those aged 90 or older, it rises to 429 per 1,000.

“Interestingly, while dementia rates between men and women are roughly equal in younger age groups, the gap widens rapidly as you get older. In the oldest age group, women are 1.4 times more likely to have dementia than men,” the AIHW said.

Dementia is Brain states that affect moodIt affects memory, thinking, and behavior. It can affect anyone, but it's most common in people over 65.

There are treatments to manage symptoms, but there is no known cure.

A graph showing the prevalence of dementia in 2023.

A graph showing the estimated prevalence of dementia in 2023 by age and gender. (Provided by: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare)

Dementia Australia's David Sykes said risk reduction was one of the first key elements that state and federal governments needed to address.

“What we know about dementia is that the foundations are laid in midlife, and what's good for the brain is also good for the heart,” he said.

“As the number of people living with dementia increases, we need a national Dementia Action Plan so we have a clear vision for the future of the policies, services and support we will need, and need now.”


The Federal Government: National Dementia Action Plan.

Dr Sykes said there needed to be more focus on primary health care.

“Further efforts are needed from the government and professional bodies in the field to encourage timely diagnosis by GPs,” he said.

“On average it takes about three years for dementia to be diagnosed, but for early onset dementia it can take longer.

“So it's three years of people being in limbo, not knowing what's going on, what's happening to them, why it's happening.”

Karlyn Anstey, director of the University of New South Wales Institute for the Future of Ageing, said stigma was a barrier to people seeking help after a diagnosis and the government also needed to address that issue.

“We need to invest in dementia care because we have an immediate problem of a shrinking working-age population, while the number of people needing care will increase,” Prof Anstey said.

“We also need to plan for care in regional and remote areas and develop services for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and Indigenous Australians.”

How does Australia compare to the rest of the world?

Dr Sykes said without major changes to Australia's approach to dementia, pressure on the health system would increase.

“People with dementia have to travel to healthcare settings when they could be receiving support at home or in a care home,” he said.

“Research has shown that people with dementia tend to stay in hospital longer and experience worse health outcomes as a result of their hospital stay.”

Prof Anstey said the current health and aged care system was unable to cope with the predicted increase in demand.

“There aren't enough care staff to meet the needs of people with dementia,” she says.

“We need to increase services.”

Dr Sykes pointed to examples from countries such as Scandinavia, which are focusing on a community-based approach to aged care as a way of supporting older people and those living with dementia more broadly.

“There are other countries, like Scotland, that are doing work around brain health clinics to promote brain health,” he said.

“Instead of a system that is focused on disease, it's about looking at ways to help people maintain healthy lifestyles and take preventative measures earlier.”

A graph showing the number of people with dementia in OECD member states in 2021.

Number of people living with dementia in OECD countries in 2021. (Provided by: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare)

Professor Anstey said some of the developed countries Australia could emulate had both institutional strengths and weaknesses.

“We are very innovative and cutting edge in some areas, not so much in others. In some areas we provide high quality services,” she said.

“However, there are long waiting times for a diagnosis at public memory disorder clinics, very long waiting times for home-care packages for people living at home, and a lack of care navigation.”





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