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Do bats really deserve the bad rabies reputation?

Do bats really deserve the bad rabies reputation?
Do bats really deserve the bad rabies reputation?


How much of a health risk do bats pose to humans?

That's a question some are asking after a Blount County resident was recently diagnosed with a rare case of rabies in the Timiskaming area that's believed to be caused by contact with bats.

This is the first documented human rabies case in Brant County. According to Ontario Public Health, the last confirmed human domestic rabies case in the province was reported in 1967. Nationwide, there have been only 26 known human rabies cases since reporting began in 1924.

Bats are just one of the animals that can transmit the rabies virus to humans through contact with saliva or mucus.

Medical experts urge anyone who has come into contact with a bat or other animal that may be infected with rabies to seek immediate medical attention and start a rabies vaccination, even if there are no visible bites or scratches.

Rabies is considered nearly 100% fatal once the virus infects the human central nervous system and symptoms begin to appear, and people are warned to use extreme caution when working with animals and always seek medical attention.

While experts agree on the need for prompt medical attention, they say bats are not necessarily as dangerous as they are sometimes portrayed.

“When the virus infects bats, they're not going to foam at the mouth and attack people. They're going to behave like they're sick, so they're more likely to be out on the sidewalk during the day and get really sick,” explained CTV News science and technology expert Dan Riskin, who did his doctorate on bats. “It's when humans come into contact, when cats come into contact, when other household pets come into contact. I think what's really important for people to remember is that pets can come into contact with bats, and they need to keep their pets vaccinated because pets may come into contact with bats and they may not have the same common sense as humans.”

Ontario pet owners are required to have their cats, dogs and ferrets over three months old vaccinated against rabies.

Scott Weese, a professor at the Ontario Veterinary College, said about three cases of rabies in dogs and one case of rabies in cats were reported across Canada last year.

Preventing bats from entering

Homeowners are being urged to keep a close eye on their properties to prevent bat colonies from establishing in unwanted locations.

“All you need is an inch and a quarter of an inch, 3/16 of an inch, which is half the size of a dime, so they can get in anywhere,” explained Kenny Charbonneau, owner of bat removal company Bat Canada.

Charbonneau said bats are very active in August and September and can get into homes through soffits, roof vents and chimneys.

“It usually starts as a night roost, where they're hanging out in buildings in between feedings, and then they break into the building and all of a sudden they leave a scent trail, and that's how a little swarm starts,” Charbonneau said, “and they don't run away. They have a great memory.”

Charbonneau's tips for keeping your home bat-free include:

  • Identify potential points of entry, such as roof gaps, vents, and chimneys
  • Install one-way exclusion devices that allow bats to get out but not back in
  • Seal potential future entry points using materials such as caulk, foam, metal, and mesh
  • Clean and disinfect the area to remove harmful pathogens
  • Consult a specialist for major infections or complications

Reporting by Christa Sharp




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