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New insect repellent from trees and grapefruit


Monday, 10 August 2020 (Health Day News)-Bug Note: The town has powerful new insect repellents.

Approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and known as Noot Katong, a citrus-scented ingredient repels mosquito, Tick, bed bugs And Chisel..

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which developed nootkatone, high concentrations can kill these nasty insects and delay the spread of the disease they can carry. Moreover, it may oppose Louse, Sand flies, midges and other pests.

Included in Alaskan yellow cedar and grapefruit rind, the Nootkaton can also kill insects that are resistant to DDT, pyrethroids, and other common insecticides, the CDC said in a news release from the agency. ..

One suggested use is with soap, where people in areas where ticks are endemic can shower, shoot, and kill. Tick Try to connect to them.

“Use as an insecticidal soap has great potential,” said Duane Gubler, former CDC director of vector-borne diseases. New York Times..

Repel Tick Better than DEET and other synthetic chemicals, with equal resilience mosquitoDr. Joel Coates, an insect toxicologist at Iowa State University, Times..

Unlike natural insect repellents like Citronella, Peppermint oil And Lemongrass oil, Noot Katong, does not lose its effect after about an hour, Cote added.

How does it work? It seems to activate insect receptors that send electrical impulses from one neuron to the next, says Ben Beard, deputy director of the vector-mediated disease unit at CDC. Times.. The signal can’t be turned off and the bug literally dies.

Nootkatone can now be used to develop new insect repellents and insecticides for both humans and pets. A Swiss company called Evolva, CDC’s authorized partner, is in discussions with a major pest control company about the possibility of a commercial partnership.

“This new active ingredient could be used in future insect repellents and pesticides to protect people from illness,” said Alexandra Dapolito Dan, assistant administrator of the EPA’s Department of Chemical Safety and Pollution Control. As mentioned in the CDC news release.


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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