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How to overcome obstacles to a good night's sleep

How to overcome obstacles to a good night's sleep
How to overcome obstacles to a good night's sleep


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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Recommendation Adults need at least seven hours of sleep per night. 2024 Sleep Report According to U.S. News & World Report, 30% of American adults say they don't get enough sleep. Research shows that lack of sleep can lead to an increased risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack and stroke.

“I think as a society, we undervalue sleep,” says Jessica Lunsford Avery, an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University, who studies the role of sleep in mental health. “If we could make sleep a higher priority, it would have a lot of benefits both in terms of our health and our mood during the day.”

Lunsford Avery said there are a few common roadblocks people face when trying to improve their sleep. With her and Newegg's insights, here are some ways to overcome pitfalls when it comes to getting the rest you need.

Dr. Jessica Lunsford Avery studies how sleep problems affect mental health.

Relax at night

Your ability to fall asleep at night is heavily influenced by how you spend your night.

To improve the quality of his sleep, Neuweg changed his evening routine, going to bed at a strict time between 9:30 and 10 p.m. and not eating or drinking for about two hours before.

When you're facing sleep issues, it's important to plan a more restful night and avoid sleep-disrupting behaviors at night that can get in the way of deep, restorative sleep, like drinking caffeinated beverages, exercising close to bedtime or drinking alcohol, Lunsford Avery said.

To get into the habit of going to bed earlier, Lunsford Avery recommends sticking to a set bedtime routine that includes activities like brushing your teeth, getting changed into comfortable clothes, and reading a book.

“Doing these things in the same order over a period of time trains your brain to know when it's time to rest,” Lunsford Avery says. “Adding structure to your bedtime is a small change that can make a big difference.”

Avoid naps

Lunsford Avery says that short naps of 15 to 20 minutes can help you make up for lack of restful sleep, but longer naps can deplete what she calls your “sleep drive” — your body's need to sleep.

“When people have trouble falling asleep at night, we often encourage them to hold off on naps for a while,” Lunsford Avery says.

Staying consistent on the weekend

The enemy of consistent sleep is irregularity.

Lunsford Avery said straying from weekday sleep routines on the weekends can lead to a lack of consistency, which can disrupt healthy sleep habits and make you feel fatigued.

“If I go to bed two hours later on the weekend and wake up two hours later, I'm basically asking my body to act as if it's in the Denver time zone a few times a week,” Lunsford Avery says. “Essentially, I'll be experiencing jet lag and feeling its effects twice a week.”

Lunsford Avery said it's OK to deviate a little on the weekends, but it's important to keep it moderate so as not to ruin the progress you've made during the week.

Now that he has control over his sleep, Scott Neuweg (third from right) can attend sessions with F3, a volunteer-led training group. Photo by Scott Neuweg.

Throw away your device

In U.S. News & World Report's 2024 State of Sleep report, 44% of survey respondents said that screen time in bed was one of their worst sleep habits.

Before he adjusted his sleep habits, Neuweg says he would spend too much time on his phone in bed, but now he's cut back and is able to make sure he makes it to the early morning sessions. F3a free, volunteer-led training group.

“It's very easy to get on Facebook or YouTube and go down the rabbit hole, and the next thing you know you've spent 45 minutes on it, you're losing sleep and you're frustrated,” Newegg said.

Experts including Lunsford Avery said avoiding cellphone use at bedtime is a difficult but important step to getting consistent sleep.

Live for lifeDuke University's employee wellness program, Savvy Sleeper, addressed this issue in an archived webinar. Available on demandStrategies to prevent your phone from disrupting your sleep include charging it away from your bed, adjusting settings to silence notifications closer to bedtime, and using a night filter to dim the screen brightness if you need to use your phone at night.

“Removing your phone from your bedtime routine can be beneficial,” Lunsford Avery says. “It's not easy, but if you can do it, the benefits are huge.”

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