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New variant emerges just as COVID levels begin to decline

New variant emerges just as COVID levels begin to decline



September 19, 2024 – New COVID-19 A variant known as XEC has been on the rise, with experts tracking the variants raising alarm bells.

Whenever a new variant makes a spectacular appearance on a tracking list, health officials take note because it could mean an important change in the behavior of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Australia-based data scientist Mike Honey said countries seeing an increase in XEC detections include Germany, the UK and the Netherlands. Posts Last week on Platform X.

XEC 'signature mutation' detected in at least 25 states, CBS News ReportedLaboratories in New Jersey, California, and Virginia have each reported more than 10 cases. The New Jersey detections are at least in part due to the CDC's testing program for international travelers at Newark Liberty International Airport.

Still, XEC has not gained enough traction in Europe, the United States or elsewhere to be included on the official U.S.-administered watchlist as an independent variant. CDC, european unionor World Health Organization.

But Eric Topol, MD, executive vice president of the Scripps Research Institute and editor-in-chief of Medscape, a sister site to WebMD for health professionals, believes XEC will be the next “prevalent” variant.

The speed at which a new variant emerges doesn't necessarily predict its severity: This time last year, health officials sounded the alarm about another Omicron variant, BA.2.86, known as Pillora, but it ultimately didn't make much of a splash.

“CDC is not aware of any specific symptoms associated with XEC or other coexisting SARS-CoV-2 lineages,” a CDC spokesperson said in a statement to CBS News.

The variant currently dominant in the United States is called KP.3.1.1 and accounts for an estimated 53% of COVID cases in the U.S. Its parent lineages are KP.2 and KP.3, all of which belong to the Omicron family. The SARS-CoV-2 virus mutates over time, and scientists use names and labels to identify groups of viral variants based on their similarities and which lineage their mutated offspring came from.

KP.3.1.1 has been the predominant COVID variant since early August, topping the list at 19%, slightly ahead of its parent strain, KP.3. The U.S. is in the midst of respiratory disease season, with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus cases on the rise compared to previous years, but the CDC 2024-2025 Respiratory Season Outlook Officials said they do not expect any unusually severe impacts from the three major viruses.

“CDC expects that the upcoming fall and winter respiratory illness season will see peak hospitalization numbers for COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) similar to or lower than last season,” the report said.

Levels of COVID-19 infection in the United States remain high, according to wastewater detection results, down from a “very high” assessment given by the CDC earlier in the summer. About 15% of COVID-19 tests reported to the CDC have been positive, and that percentage is declining, as are COVID-19-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations.




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