American Red Cross Hosts Sickle Cell Blood Drive
It is the most common inherited blood disorder in America and primarily affects the African-American community.
ST. LOUIS — A blood drive held Saturday helped raise support and awareness for a disease that affects millions of people around the world.
Sickle cell disease is the most common inherited blood disorder in America and primarily affects the African-American community.
Wendy Tabron American Red Cross– National Biomedical Partnerships Officer said the Red Cross needs blood every two minutes.
“If you find out you have the potential to help a sickle cell patient, who is lying in the hospital, probably sick and waiting for a blood transfusion, you should rush in,” she said.
That is why, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Saturday was a big day for me: The American Red Cross was hosting an event to support people with a genetic blood disorder.
Matt Whitener of Kappa Alpha Psi said it's an important partnership.
“We try to do everything we can to reach out to the community and connect and give back, and this is a great opportunity to do that because it touches so many people's lives, especially in the Black community,” he said.
Whitener added how important it is to raise awareness in St. Louis and across the country.
“This disproportionately impacts African-Americans and we need to make sure they know we can affect this, we can make a difference. We have to come together and use our resources to do that,” he said.
Rosemary Britz is one of many whose lives have been forever changed by sickle cell disease: her daughter, Ronisha, died five years ago at age 29.
“She was an amazing warrior. She fought her whole life. She lived and acted just like any other person. I raised her to believe that she could do anything if she put her mind to it. She had sickle cell disease so she may have had to make some changes but she didn't let that stop her and she lived a very full life,” she said.
It was her daughter's strength and story that inspired Blitz to start the nonprofit. Sickle Cell Association.
“We are trying to raise awareness in the community about sickle cell disease and reduce the number of babies born with the disease to parents who don't know anything about it,” she said.
Britz said the thing people least understand about the disease is that they could have the traits or genes that cause it and not know it.
“There are no particular complications, but if both parents have the trait, there is a one in four chance of having a child with the condition. So, it is important to know the parents' status before adding to your family,” she said.
Tabron said 30 people were in line within 30 minutes of the blood drive starting.
“We celebrate sickle cell awareness in September but these patients need blood every month. Some of them need multiple transfusions. Without our blood, they may be waiting for a transfusion,” she said.
Education is crucial, and Tabron wants the community to know that one in three African-American blood donors are a match for the disease.
“Remember, every two minutes someone needs your blood, and our sickle cell patients are not going to survive. If they are in distress or in crisis and need a transfusion, we have to have blood stockpiled, and that comes from donors,” she said.
Anthony Thompson was one of many who donated blood on Saturday. He brought along many employees from his company, Kwame Building Group, as well as his entire family.
“If anyone needs help, it's the African-American community. We have to give back to help each other in order to survive and thrive,” he said.
It's that spirit that keeps Blitz's daughter's memory at the heart of everything he does.
“I know she'll smile and say, 'Go, Mum' and tell me to keep going, because even though she's gone, there are other people out there who are living with this disease and this is helping them,” she said.
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