Governor Hawkle Announces Statewide Action Plan Following Confirmed Case of Eastern Equine Encephalitis
Governor Kathy Hawkle today announced statewide measures to protect public health following the report of the first fatal human case of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) in New York State since 2015. The case, confirmed in Ulster County on September 20 by the State Health Department's Wadsworth Center, is under investigation by the Ulster County Health Department.
State Health Officer Dr. James McDonald announced a declaration of an imminent public health threat for EEE. The declaration frees up state resources from September 30 through November 30, 2024, to support local health departments' EEE prevention responses and activities, including continued mosquito control efforts.
Immediately after the cases of EEE were confirmed, the Governor mobilized multiple state agencies, including the Department of Health, Department of Environmental Conservation and the Parks Service, in a strong, coordinated response to expand the availability of insect repellents in state parks and campgrounds, increase public education efforts, and urge New Yorkers to follow recommendations to reduce the risk of mosquito-borne disease.
“Keeping New Yorkers safe is my number one priority.” Governor Hockle said. “Following the first confirmed human cases of EEE, my administration has taken steps across the state to protect our communities, and today's declaration provides increased state resources to local governments to assist with their public health response. We have been informed that this patient has passed away from EEE. We express our sympathies and our heartfelt condolences to the family.”
The State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation is providing mosquito repellent to park visitors at park offices, visitor centers and campground offices. State Parks is installing signs in parks and historic sites to raise awareness of EEE and is consulting with local health departments in affected areas about restricting park hours and camping during times of peak mosquito activity.
Additionally, DEC is posting signs at DEC facilities, campgrounds, popular Hudson Valley trailheads, environmental education centers and other state lands to raise awareness about EEE. DEC and State Parks are reminding campers with reservations to take precautions to avoid mosquito bites. DOH, DEC and State Parks have also launched a social media campaign to raise awareness about EEE and other mosquito-borne pathogens and to take steps to prevent mosquito bites, such as using insect repellent, covering exposed skin and avoiding outdoor activities at dawn and dusk.
“We are pleased to announce that we have received 1,000 cases of the virus,” said Dr. James McDonald, provincial health officer. “This year's outbreak of Eastern Equine Encephalitis is different from previous years. Typically, this mosquito is found in two or three counties each year, but it has been present in 15 counties so far this year and has spread throughout New York State. There is no commercially available vaccine for this deadly mosquito-borne disease and it must be taken seriously. Mosquitoes were once a nuisance, but now they are a threat. I urge all New Yorkers to prevent mosquito bites by using insect repellent, wearing long sleeves and removing standing water near their homes. Fall is officially here, but mosquitoes will be around until we experience multiple nights of below-freezing temperatures.”
“We're pleased to be able to continue to work with the state parks community,” said Interim State Parks Commissioner Randy Simmons. “We encourage park visitors and outdoor enthusiasts to understand the risks of EEE and take precautions to avoid mosquito bites. We will continue to work with state health departments and local public health agencies on additional recommended measures to address this issue.”
“We're pleased to be able to continue to work with the state Department of Environmental Conservation to make this happen,” said Shawn Mahar, interim director of the state Department of Environmental Conservation. “Eastern equine encephalitis is a serious concern, especially for people spending time outdoors enjoying the fall weather. DEC continues to work closely with our state and local partners to help New Yorkers be aware of the risks and prevention measures for this mosquito-borne disease.”
The most recent human cases in New York state were identified by the Wadsworth Center. Other states, including Massachusetts, Vermont, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Wisconsin and New Hampshire, have also reported human cases of EEE this year. Eighteen cases of EEE have been confirmed in horses this year across 12 counties in New York state.
Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) is a rare but serious viral disease spread by infected mosquitoes that can affect humans and horses. People of any age can become infected, but those over 50 years and under 15 years of age are at higher risk of contracting the virus.
Most people bitten by an infected mosquito experience no symptoms, but severe cases experience sudden onset of headache, high fever, chills and vomiting, followed by disorientation, seizures, encephalitis and coma. Approximately one-third of people who develop EEE die, and many who survive EEE experience neurological impairment.
There is no commercially available human vaccine against EEE, and the best prevention is to avoid mosquito bites.
To reduce the risk of infection with EEE and other mosquito-borne diseases, the following preventive measures are recommended:
- When you're outdoors during times when mosquitoes are most active, such as at dusk or dawn, consider wearing long sleeves, tucking your pants into your socks, and tucking your shirt into your pants.
- Use an insect repellent that contains DEET. Be sure to follow the directions on the repellent label. Children should not handle repellents directly. Instead, an adult should apply the repellent to their hands first, then gently distribute it on the child's exposed skin. Do not apply directly to a child's hands. When back indoors, wash the child's repellent-treated skin and clothing with soap and water or bathe the child.
- Make sure your home's windows and doors have screens. Make sure they don't have any rips, tears or holes.
- Remove all standing water around your garden, home and property where mosquitoes may breed, such as plastic containers, swimming pool covers, kiddie pools, ceramic pots, clogged drains, wheelbarrows etc. Also, change the water in birdbaths twice a week.
For more information about EEE, please visit the DOH website:.
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