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COVID XEC variant Canada: What you need to know

COVID XEC variant Canada: What you need to know


The start of fall means more people are thinking about protecting themselves from the flu and other illnesses, including COVID-19.

While many Canadians are not as stressed about COVID-19 as they were during the peak, health experts say new variants are spreading in parts of the world and are now appearing in Canada.

Here's what health officials need to know about COVID XEC.

What is COVID-19 XEC and how is it different from other variants?

According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, COVID XEC is a hybrid of Omicron variants KS.1.1 and KP.3.3.

The XEC variant of COVID-19 was first detected on May 16 and as of Sept. 18, 28 countries have reported its genetic sequence, World Health Organization (WHO) spokesperson Amna Smailbegovic said in an email to on Monday.

“WHO is currently reviewing the available evidence on this variant to determine whether it should be classified as a variant under surveillance,” the spokesperson wrote.

It's the omicron variant, but it has genetic characteristics, Dr. Isaac Bogoch, an infectious disease specialist at Toronto General Hospital, said in a video interview with on Monday.

Bogoch believes COVID XEC will likely be similar to other Omicron variants, especially when it comes to symptoms and prevention.

“We've seen this happen many times before as Omicron variants continue to evolve,” Bogoch said. “So far, we haven't seen any specific symptoms or syndromes associated with the Omicron XEC variant. We have to be prepared that things can always change.”

Is there a COVID XEC in Canada?

Health Canada confirmed to on Monday that a small number of cases of the XEC variant had been detected in Canada as of Sept. 20, but did not say how many, saying the numbers were small enough that they wouldn't show up in the department's weekly variant breakdown. WebsiteXEC is said to be spreading around the world, with the majority of cases occurring in Europe.

What will be the impact of COVID XEC?

Bogoch said COVID XEC will likely have a similar impact as last winter's variant, but that could change. Bogoch said Canada typically sees a surge in COVID infections in the fall and winter.

“From an individual clinical perspective and from a population impact perspective, several of the recently emerged Omicron sublineages are strikingly similar in terms of the impact they've had on Canadians at an individual and population level,” he said. “It remains important to recognize that COVID-19 is not going away.”

The Public Health Agency of Canada said based on current evidence, it does not believe the new variant will have a severe impact on people.

Who is most vulnerable?

Bogoch said COVID-19 affects different people differently.

He said older Canadians are most susceptible to severe infection, which can lead to hospitalization and death, and that those with underlying health conditions, including those who are immunocompromised, residents of long-term care and congregate care facilities and people living in Indigenous communities are also at high risk.

How can I protect myself?

Bogoch said advice from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) would be helpful.

NACI is recommending that everyone, especially those at high risk for severe infection, get the updated vaccine, which Bogoch noted will likely be available in October.

He said the vaccine “is extremely effective at reducing severe infection, particularly in those most at risk.”

Health Canada said the newly updated JN.1/KP.2 vaccine helps prevent severe disease caused by related strains of COVID, including XEC.

“The effectiveness of improved vaccines will continue to be monitored,” the report said.

He recommended personal protective measures such as staying home when sick, wearing a mask especially indoors, and washing hands regularly.




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