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Biden pledges support for MPOX in grand farewell speech to UN : NPR

Biden pledges support for MPOX in grand farewell speech to UN : NPR


President Biden waves as he leaves the stage after his final address to the United Nations General Assembly on September 24.

President Biden waves as he leaves the stage after his final address to the United Nations General Assembly on September 24.

Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images



Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

President Biden announced new support to stop the polio epidemic during his farewell speech at the United Nations on Tuesday. There he demonstrated optimism in the face of war and other global challenges.

Biden said the U.S. will provide $500 million to African countries to help prevent and respond to MPOX, and will donate 1 million doses of the MPOX vaccine. “Now, we call on our partners to match our commitment, making this a $1 billion pledge to the people of Africa,” Biden said in his speech.

Biden told the leaders he had witnessed an “astonishing turn of history” since he was first elected president during the Cold War, noting that the United States was still embroiled in the Vietnam War at the time.

“Our country was divided, angry and our staying power and future were in doubt,” he said.

Biden said the U.S.-Vietnam relationship is an example of diplomatic success.

But last year, the United States and Vietnam officially Strengthened diplomatic and trade relationsBiden noted that this is part of many other global issues that have changed for the better.

“It's proof that even from the horrors of war there was a way forward. Things could get better. We must never forget that,” he said.

“I know many of you look at the world today and feel challenged and despair, but I don't. I don't intend to,” Biden said, calling on leaders to stand up to forces that are causing division and chaos around the world.

Biden said the wars in Ukraine, Gaza and Sudan were the world's biggest challenges.

He said the world must not ease up on its support for Ukraine in its war with Russia and must continue to work to end the war in Gaza and ease tensions in the Middle East. He called on UN member states to act to end the conflict in Sudan and address the humanitarian crisis there.

“The world needs to stop supplying weapons to the generals. We need to tell them with one voice: Stop ripping this country apart. Stop blocking aid to the Sudanese people. End this war now,” Biden said.

Biden praised China's cooperation in stemming the global financial influx. Synthetic drugsBut he said the world must continue to stand up against economic and military coercion.

“Our challenge, our test, is to make sure that the forces that unite us are stronger than the forces that tear us apart,” he said.

Biden said AI is the biggest challenge for world leaders

Biden spent a significant amount of time talking about artificial intelligence, saying it was the greatest test of global leadership and that the technology could profoundly transform how we live, work, war and science.

“AI also poses serious risks, from deep fakes to disinformation to emerging pathogens and biological weapons,” Biden said, referring to preliminary international work on “global rules” for AI technology.

“But let's be honest: this is just the tip of the iceberg – what we need to do to manage this new technology is to “make urgent efforts” to ensure that AI is safe, secure and fair,” he said.

“In the coming years, we must ensure that the incredible capabilities of AI are used to uplift and empower ordinary people, not to give autocrats an even tighter grip on the human mind,” he said.

Biden concluded his speech by urging leaders to listen to and serve the people, explaining that preserving democracy was a central goal of his presidency.

“The future will be won by people who reach their full potential, who breathe free, think free, innovate, educate, live and love openly and without fear,” Biden said, referencing past examples from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the end of apartheid and more recently. Venezuela's Election Dispute LGBT activism Uganda.

“Leaders, never forget that there is something more important than remaining in power. And that is your people. Your people are what matters most. Never forget that we are here to serve our people, not the other way around,” he said.




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