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'Weekend Warriors' Can Reduce Risk of 264 Diseases – Harvard Gazette

'Weekend Warriors' Can Reduce Risk of 264 Diseases – Harvard Gazette
'Weekend Warriors' Can Reduce Risk of 264 Diseases – Harvard Gazette


Becoming a “weekend warrior” is as effective as regular weekly exercise in reducing your risk of developing more than 200 diseases, according to a new study from Harvard Massachusetts General Hospital.

The research results are circulation.

CDC guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week for overall health. Among people who meet these recommendations, those who exercise for 20 to 30 minutes most days of the week experience benefits similar to those who space out longer exercise sessions by 5 to 6 days. .

The researchers analyzed information from 89,573 people who took part in the UK Biobank prospective study and wore accelerometers on their wrists to record their total physical activity and time spent at various exercise intensities over a week. Participants' physical activity patterns were categorized as weekend warrior, regular, or inactive using a guideline-based threshold of 150 minutes per week of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity.

The team then looked at the association between physical activity patterns and the incidence of 678 symptoms across 16 disease types, including mental health, digestive disorders, neurological disorders, and other categories.

The researchers' analysis revealed that weekend warrior and regular physical activity patterns were each associated with a significantly lower risk of 264 diseases compared to inactivity. Ta. Associations with cardiometabolic diseases such as hypertension (weekend warriors and regular exercise reduced risk by 23% and 28%, respectively, over a median of 6 years) and diabetes (43% and 46% risk reduction, respectively) was the strongest. However, the association also extended to all disease categories examined.

“Weekend warriors and regular activity appear to have similar benefits, so it may be the total amount of activity rather than the pattern that matters most.”

Shaan Khurshid

“Weekend warriors and regular activity appear to have similar benefits, so it may be the total amount of activity rather than the pattern that matters most,” said Shaan Khurshid, faculty member at the Demoulas Center and co-senior author. he said. Arrhythmia in MGH.

“Future interventions that test the effectiveness of intensive activities to improve public health are warranted, and patients should be encouraged to use any pattern that seems most effective to them and follow guidelines. “Participating in physical activity should be encouraged,” he added.

author: Shinwan Kani, Mostafa A. Al-Arushi, Joel T. Rameau, James P. Pirulcello, Timothy W. Churchill, Stephen A. Lubitz, Mahnaz Madda, J. Sawara Guse, Patrick T. Eleanor, Sean Khurshid.

Disclosure: Eleanor has received sponsored research support from Bayer AG, IBM Research, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer, and Novo Nordisk. He also served on the advisory boards of MyoKardia and Bayer AG and served as a consultant. Mr. Lubitz is an employee of Novartis as of July 2022 and has received sponsored research support from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Fitbit, Medtronic, Premier, and IBM. and consults for Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer, Blackstone Life Sciences, and Invitay. .

This study was supported by the National Institutes of Health (K08HL159346, K23HL159262-01A1, 1RO1HL092577, 1R01HL157635, 5R01HL139731, 18SFRN34230127, 961045, R01HL157635, K23HL169839-01. Benjamin Fellowship (521832260), Sigrid Juselius Foundation, USA Heart Association (19AMFDP34990046, 18SFRN34230127, 961045, 18SFRN34250007, 2023CDA1050571), Harvard University President and Fellows (5KL2TR002542-04), European Union (MAESTRIA 96528) 6).




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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