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Vitamin B12: The identity and daily requirement of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12: The identity and daily requirement of vitamin B12
Vitamin B12: The identity and daily requirement of vitamin B12


Feeling low on energy? You may be among the estimated 3.6% of Americans with a deficiency disorder and 12.5% ​​of Americans with a deficiency disorder. Insufficient amount of vitamin B12.

The first step to finding out is to see a doctor like Dr. Elizabeth. sharpinternist and medical director Fusion of health and wellness I spoke earlier in New York City. luck.

“If someone is dealing with low energyMy first reaction is to recommend a battery of tests before considering. supplement” she said. Testing for vitamin deficiencies, including vitamin B12, is “important,” she says, especially if: vegan And a vegetarian.

What does vitamin B12 do?

According to vitamin B12, National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplementsnutrients (or a family of molecules called cobalmin, which incorporate ions of the element cobalt into their structure). to discover) It keeps the body's blood and nerve cells healthy and helps produce DNA, the genetic material inside cells. It also helps prevent megaloblastic anemia, a blood disorder that can cause you to feel tired and weak.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency

In addition to feelings of weakness and fatigue, B12 deficiency Depending on the severity, many other symptoms may also occur, including:

  • white skin
  • palpitations
  • loss of appetite
  • weight loss
  • infertility
  • Tingling sensation in the hands and feet due to nerve problems
  • balance problem
  • depression
  • confusion
  • dementia
  • bad memory
  • mouth pain

How much vitamin B12 do you need per day?

Everyone needs a certain amount of vitamin B12 depending on their age. Starting at 0.5 μg per day for infants, up to 2.4 μg for teenagers and adults, and even higher for pregnant or breastfeeding women: 2.6 μg and 2.8 μg, respectively.

vitamin b12 foods

B12 is found in a wide range of animal foods. produced by intestinal bacteria It then accumulates throughout life in the muscle tissue of most herbivores, including fish, cows, chickens, and some shellfish. Additionally, many livestock are supplemented with vitamin B12 through their feed. Once it is absorbed by animals, it can in turn infect people who eat animal products such as dairy and meat.

Vitamin B12 also accumulates in some plant-based sources, such as some mushrooms, seaweed, and nutritional yeast, but it's not enough to fortify vegans, especially after being tested for vitamin B12 deficiency. , you should consider increasing your intake of both vitamin B12-fortified foods. Foods such as cereals and plant-based milk, and supplements.

According to , some other populations are also more likely to have the deficiency. Kathy DennehyPh.D., nutritional supplement researcher, and professor at the University of California, San Francisco. luck About vitamins. This includes people who suffer from autoimmune diseases called. pernicious anemiapeople who cannot absorb vitamin B12, and people who take large amounts of over-the-counter acid suppressants. famotidineThis is because they do not have the stomach acid to release vitamin B12 from animal protein.

B12 supplement for energy

Taking vitamin supplements is an easy way to increase your vitamin B12 intake. However, please choose carefully when purchasing.

“Be wary of supplements that are much cheaper than other supplements or appear to be a bargain.” jolene brightonNaturopathic Endocrinologist, Author Is this normal?said luck Previously. “These often use low-quality ingredients and, in some cases, are unregulated and may not actually be what is listed on the label.”

To avoid such risks, Dennehy suggests starting with your health care provider or a registered dietitian who is knowledgeable about supplements. And when you're ready to buy, be sure to do your research, especially about the brand.

Consumers are NIH Office of Dietary Supplements as well as subscription-based sources such as consumer labThe company charges a fee for access to test results that look at a variety of issues, from possible contaminants to whether a supplement contains the ingredients it claims, Dennehy previously said. spoke. luck, “A question I get asked quite often is, 'Is this brand I'm choosing a good brand?'”

Vitamin B12 is found alone in multivitamins, vitamin B complex supplements, and vitamin B12 supplements, and is available in many natural and synthetic forms, including cyanocobalamin and adenosylcobalamin. Some come in sublingual tablets that dissolve under the tongue. However, the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements says research has not shown that any form of vitamin B12 supplement is better than another. Additionally, the NIH notes that while some doses are much higher than the recommended amount, such as 500 μg and 1,000 μg, only a small portion is absorbed into the body, so those doses are considered safe. says.

Other ways to get extra B12

Prescription vitamin B12 can be given as an injection, the NIH notes. Usually targeted are people with vitamin B12 deficiency, who have difficulty absorbing vitamin B12, and people who have undergone gastric surgery. This is because the shot allows the body to absorb vitamin B12 without the need for injections. According to Today's medical news.

Vitamin B12 can also be taken By prescription as nasal gel Some can be sprayed into the nose or administered through an intravenous drip. different opinions Regarding the efficacy and safety of this delivery method.

But in the end, Dennehy emphasized that no matter how you take a supplement, “the only reason it will improve your energy is if it corrects a deficiency.”

Nutrition and supplement details:

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