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Nesbitt launches series of fall initiatives

Nesbitt launches series of fall initiatives
Nesbitt launches series of fall initiatives


Change is an “ongoing reality” for hospital services in Northern Ireland, Health Minister Mike Nesbitt has told MLAs.

Ministry of Health latest news image, white text on blue background of the department

Mr Nesbitt has written to MPs ahead of tomorrow's publication of 'Hospitals – Building networks for better outcomes'.

This framework for reconfiguring services will be subject to public consultation.

The minister's letter says this is the first in a series of planning announcements and publications aimed at putting health and social care services on a clear path to recovery.

“This fall will be critical in terms of restarting reforms and addressing the many serious challenges ahead,” he said.

The Minister continued: “As you know, the reconfiguration of health services is an ongoing reality, as evidenced by, for example, the development of a network of elective care centers and the decision last year to consolidate inpatient maternity services at Antrim Hospital. is. .

“Future reorganization decisions for me will include the results of the Northern HSC Trust public consultation on emergency general surgery and the recommendations from my recently announced review of breast cancer services.

“Please understand that Hospitals – Building Networks for Better Outcomes does not define the exact location of each medical specialty; it requires an ongoing and specific process. It will be.

“The new document should not be seen in isolation, but as an important piece of an overall puzzle that will lead to better outcomes.”

This autumn, a major review into maternity services will be published and Professor Rafael Bengoa will return to Northern Ireland.

“In the coming weeks following Professor Bengoa's visit, we will be publishing a three-year strategic plan for the remainder of this Parliament's mandate,” the minister's letter said.

Mr Nesbitt also told MLAs: As you can see from the update above, there are still actions I can take. At the same time, more resources will be needed in the coming years.

“For government programs, I will continue to advocate for significant funding for the health sector, even though the current budget situation imposes limits on efforts to reduce waiting lists.

“We don't have time to argue that money alone can solve health service problems. Similarly, anyone who suggests it's not part of the answer is sadly mistaken.”

Letter to MLA can be read here.

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