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Talking about M University and seasonal vaccines

Talking about M University and seasonal vaccines
Talking about M University and seasonal vaccines


COVID-19 and influenza are constantly changing, and new waves can circulate and spread unexpectedly. In Minnesota, nearly three-quarters of urban residents have been vaccinated against COVID-19, compared to just over half of rural residents. Previous research.

professor Rebecca Wurtz A University of Minnesota School of Public Health professor shares his expertise on why COVID-19 and influenza vaccines are so important and when is the best time to get vaccinated this year.

Q: What is different about the COVID-19 vaccine and who should get it?
Professor Wurtz:
The new vaccine uses the same technology as the old vaccine. The only difference is that it has been updated to better protect against the currently circulating variants of the coronavirus. This is similar to how influenza vaccines are updated annually to combat changing influenza strains. All people over 6 months of age should receive the vaccine. So if you're reading this, you should get it.

Q: Are the previous vaccines still effective?
Professor Wurtz:
If it has been more than 6 months since your last vaccination, it is no longer fully effective. There are two reasons for this. One is that immunity to COVID-19 weakens over time, and the virus changes.

Q: I contracted the coronavirus this summer. Do I still need to get the vaccine this fall?
Professor Wurtz:
The CDC says you are protected for about three months after a bout of coronavirus infection. If you got sick at the beginning of summer, now is the time to get vaccinated, but if you got your shot in late summer, get your next shot in November or December to maximize protection over the winter holidays. You can wait until the beginning of the month.

Q: Can I still receive the vaccine if my immune system is weakened?
Professor Wurtz:
The answer is yes. COVID-19 is more dangerous if your immune system is weakened. It is important to protect it well. Also, there is no problem in receiving the COVID-19 vaccination and influenza vaccination at the same time. As of September 2024, there is nothing that can do both at once. It's still in development, but you don't have to wait for combo shots. Now is the time to get your coronavirus shot.

Q: When is the appropriate time to get the flu shot?
Professor Wurtz:
Influenza is a seasonal disease, usually occurring during the winter. The best time to get a flu shot is early in the season. This year it “officially” starts on September 30th, so early October is the best time. Want to get it sooner? Influenza season often lasts from March to April. Like the COVID-19 vaccine, the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine wears off after six months. If you plant it too early, it will no longer be protected in late spring. In some years, the annual flu season can rage well into April and even May. If you're at high risk for serious complications from the flu, it's okay to get a second flu shot in the spring.

Rebecca Wurtz He is an infectious disease physician, public health informatician, and professor at the University of Massachusetts School of Public Health. She checks flu statistics on the CDC's version of ESPN the same way some people check sports scores. FluView.

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“Talking…with U of M” is a resource where University of Minnesota faculty answer questions about current topics and other topics of general interest. Please feel free to republish this content. If you would like to schedule an interview with a faculty member or have a topic you would like the University of Minnesota to consider for a future “Talking…with U of M,” please contact University of Minnesota Public Affairs. [email protected].

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