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14 risk factors that may help prevent or delay dementia

14 risk factors that may help prevent or delay dementia
14 risk factors that may help prevent or delay dementia


A group of prominent researchers has given us two more ways to reduce your risk of dementia. If we can take these steps and gradually eliminate a dozen other risk factors, we may be able to delay or prevent a significant number of cases of dementia. These risk factors are associated with up to half of all dementia cases.

In 2017, a group of doctors, epidemiologists and public health researchers collectively known as the Lancet Dementia Prevention, Intervention and Care Committee found for the first time that the risk of dementia can be reduced by making some key lifestyle changes. This was unexpected when I suggested it. Can a healthy diet, more exercise, less alcohol, a better social life, and a few other behaviors really prevent cognitive decline?

Surprisingly, yes. And the medical heavyweights at the Lancet Commission have a wealth of research to back up their claims.

“Many people … thought this was very radical,” said Gil Livingstone, MD, chair of the Lancet committee, professor of psychiatry at University College London, and member of the academic research body. says. AARP World Council on Brain Health. But the evidence has grown over the years, she says.

The Lancet Commission's latest report, published in July, includes the following list: 14 modifiable risk factorssomething that can actually be done (though some risk factors are probably beyond an individual's control). Two new risk factors are untreated vision loss and high LDL cholesterol.

“The data clearly shows that managing many of these risk factors is important.[in midlife] “can have a fairly significant impact on the risk of later dementia,” says Ian Grant, MD, assistant professor of neurology at Northwestern University School of Medicine, who was not a member of the committee.

“People with healthy lifestyles not only have a lower risk of dementia than those with unhealthy lifestyles, but they have also been shown to delay the onset of dementia, resulting in more years of good health. , fewer years of illness,” the committee wrote. And for people with dementia, these lifestyle changes can “help maximize physical health and improve quality of life.”

Below is a list of 14 modifiable risk factors and what you can do about them.

1. Untreated vision loss. Get an eye exam every year.

Untreated vision loss, one of two new risk factors listed in the Lancet Commission's 2024 report, is perhaps the most confusing. How does it lead to cognitive impairment?

“Anything called primary sensory loss, such as vision, has a negative effect on the brain because the brain doesn't like a lack of input,” Grant explains. “Brain stimulation is important for maintaining certain connections.”

The Lancet Commission report found an increased risk of dementia associated with two common vision problems: cataractclouding of the crystalline lens, and diabetic retinopathy caused by excess sugar in the blood damaging blood vessels at the back of the eye. Once these issues are resolved, the risk decreases dramatically. More than half of people with diabetes develop diabetic retinopathy, the leading cause of blindness in working-age adults.

2. Hearing loss. Get your hearing tested and buy hearing aids if needed.

The Lancet Commission considers hearing loss to be the single biggest reversible risk of dementia. why? “Hearing loss can impact dementia risk by reducing overall neural stimulation and reducing social interaction,” said Jessica Caldwell, director of the Women's Alzheimer's Movement Prevention and Research Center at the Cleveland Clinic. ” he says. “Hearing loss and dementia may also have common causes, including:[changes in the small blood vessels of the brain]”

According to a July 2023 study, less than one-third of people over the age of 71 with hearing loss use hearing aids. Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association study. However, hearing aid use appears to be particularly effective in the following cases: protect cognitive health, According to July report From AARP's World Council on Brain Health.




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