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Study proves nutrition is important for bees to survive pesticides and viruses

Study proves nutrition is important for bees to survive pesticides and viruses
Study proves nutrition is important for bees to survive pesticides and viruses


Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign believe that poor pollinator health is due to an interaction of biotic and abiotic stressors, including nutrient limitation, exposure to pesticides, and infection by pathogens and parasites. We tested a long-standing hypothesis that it may be caused by1,2 In a study that considered all three factors for the first time, researchers concluded that proper nutrition makes honeybees more resilient to other factors that threaten their health.

“Multiple stressors often have a negative impact on survival,” Edward Shea, a graduate student who led the study with University of Illinois professor Adam Dolezal, wrote in an article on the science news website said.1 “But it always depends on the context, so we need to be aware of all these factors when trying to make broad statements about how interactive effects affect bees.”

Research published in journals Total environmental sciencedemonstrated the complexity of multiple stressor interactions and the importance of context that can influence bee health and physiology.2 Researchers used peak levels of pesticides and fungicides in pollen grains collected by bees as an indicator of exposure to chemicals in the wild in restored grasslands adjacent to farmland in Iowa. Pollen collected by bees from a small area was evaluated.1

Groups of caged bees were exposed to various diets, viruses, and/or chemical treatments (organophosphates, pyrethroids, or neonicotinoids) and fed with artificial or natural pollen.1 Additionally, some bees were infected with Israeli acute paralysis virus, a known threat to bee populations.1

The study found that bees artificially fed pollen often died from exposure to the virus. Mortality rates were even higher when exposed to viruses and pesticides simultaneously. Bees fed natural pollen had a similar response to exposure to the virus, and many died. However, in contrast to bees fed artificial pollen, fewer bees fed natural pollen died from exposure to chlorpyrifos or the fungicide mixture.1

“Bees have an inherent ability to cope with stress, so applying small amounts of stress to bees, such as exposure to low levels of pesticides, may help them cope with greater stress from pathogens like viruses.” ,” Dolezal said in an article on “But that only works if there are natural resources to do it.”

Investigators cautioned that these findings should not be used to dismiss chemical exposure. Reactions may vary depending on the chemical in question. This study demonstrates that the interactions between biotic and abiotic factors within the honey bee system are complex and that changing any factor within the paradigm can have significant effects. I am.2

“The takeaway from this study is that bees, if they're really well-nourished, are very resilient even to insecticide-virus interactions,” Dolezal told spoke.1 “But we don't want people to conclude that pesticides aren't a big deal for bees.”


  1. Yates D.'s research found that proper nutrition increases bee resilience to pesticides and viruses. September 24, 2024. Accessed September 30, 2024.
  2. Hsieh E, Dolezal A. Nutrition, pesticide exposure, and viral infections interact to have context-dependent effects on honey bees (Western honey bee). Science comprehensive environment. July 30, 2024. Accessed September 30, 2024.




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