Firefighter's father urges firefighters to undergo cancer testing
A firefighter's father said firefighters should get annual cancer screenings because of the increased risk of cancer.
Steve Wright's own father Nick died of cancer in 2018 after a long career with the Oxfordshire Fire Brigade.
Steve, a Fire Brigades Union (FBU) executive council member, said his concerns were heightened when his son Ben joined the company as a firefighter earlier this year.
In 2022, a UK study found that firefighters Increased cancer risk due to chemical exposure.
Steve Wright said: “We know they are taking part in dangerous events and we know they are putting themselves at risk, but this cancer problem still exists. and we know we need to do more to reduce it.”
“That is what drives me, my passion to better protect Ben and his colleagues.
“It may be too late for my generation, which joined the fire service more than 20 years ago, but it is the next generation of firefighters that we must protect and ensure we are well prepared for.”
The World Health Organization has previously declared firefighting to be a hazardous activity. carcinogenic work.
Alongside annual cancer screenings, the FBU is calling for improved decontamination procedures.
It also calls for a change in the law that would make firefighting a probable cause of cancer among firefighters and pave the way for stronger compensation and protections.
He said similar policies were already in place in countries such as the United States, Australia and Poland.
Ben Wright, based in Caversham, Berkshire, said the fire service had “made great strides” in terms of protective measures.
“But there are definitely things that need to be put in place so that we can go to work safer every day,” the 20-year-old added.
Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service said protection from contaminants was “of paramount importance”.
“When I came in 29 years ago… there was a smell of smoke in the fire station. That doesn't happen anymore,” said Deputy Chief Fire Officer Mike Adcock.
“We will ensure that firefighters shower properly. We will leave dirty fire kits outside the fire station. We are considering leaving respiratory kits outside the crew cabin. ”
The Ministry of Home Affairs has been contacted for comment.
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