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Coronavirus: Vaccines and Asymptomatic Spreaders May Answer Covid-19 Mystery, Experts Say


One of those mysteries: why the experience can be so different from person to person. One expert says the answer may mean looking closely at previous vaccines an individual previously had.

“When we looked at the status of Covid’s disease, people who had previously been vaccinated with various vaccines, including pneumococcal, influenza, and hepatitis, seemed to have a lower risk of developing Covid’s disease,” Dr. Mayo Clinic’s infection. The specialist, Andrew Badley, told CNN Anderson Cooper on Monday night.

That’s what immunologists call immune training: how your immune system creates effective responses to fight infections, says Badley.

“A good analogy is to think of your immune system as muscle,” he said. “The more you exercise that muscle, the stronger it will be when you need it.”

There is no conclusive evidence of other vaccines that boost immunity to Covid-19. But Some researchers Proposed It is possible..
Do some people have protection against coronaviruses?
June, US researchers team We proposed to give people a booster dose of the Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccine to see if it would help prevent the most serious consequences of a coronavirus infection. And last month, Researchers have found low coronavirus mortality in countries where many people are given the tuberculosis vaccine Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG). This finding is consistent with other studies suggesting that vaccines can generally boost people’s immunity.

But once infected, the amount of virus that has invaded the body can also affect the experience, another expert told CNN on Monday.

Dr Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco, works with a team of researchers to understand how more people experience infectious disease with minimal or no symptoms. .. About 40% of people infected with the virus No symptoms, according to estimates from the US Centers for Disease Control last month.

The Gandhi team has discovered that masks make a difference.

“What a mask does is really reduce the amount of virus you get in if you get infected,” she said. “And by reducing it… you have a lower dose, you can manage it, you can have a mild reaction, you have mild symptoms Or there are no symptoms.”

So far, more than 5 million Americans have been virus-positive and at least 163,461 have died.

90% more cases of children in a month

Much more research is being done, focusing on children entering the new semester and the coronavirus.

According to a report released Monday by the American Academy of Pediatrics and Children’s Hospital Association, coronavirus cases have increased by 90% among children in the United States over a four-week period.

The new report is expected to be updated weekly, stating that between July 9 and August 6, there were 179,990 new Covid-19 cases among US children.

These are the states where people are required to wear masks when in public

More than 380,000 children were infected as of August 6, According to the report, it accounts for just over 9% of the total number of cases in the state reporting cases by age.

This report was made when a recent study suggested that children may play an important role in the transmission of the virus. According to a study Older children can be infected with coronavirus Like adults, children under the age of five had an increased viral load. I also got a question About their role in dissemination.

Some US officials, including the president, say the virus doesn’t pose a significant risk to children, but experts do not.

“It’s not fair to say that the virus is completely harmless to children,” said Dr. Sean O’Leary, vice chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics Infectious Diseases Committee. “In the United States, 90 people have already died in just a few months. Every year we are concerned about the flu, and about 100 die each year.”

Without childcare, the road to recovery is steep
Still, many Schools and universities across the country are making progress Plans to begin direct instruction despite national protests from teachers saying that returning to class may be deadly.
In Georgia, multiple school districts have reported cases of the virus after resumption. In Cherokee County School District, More than 480 students have been quarantined since the school opened earlier this month. The district is currently reporting 25 positive cases for students and 6 positive cases for staff.

In Mississippi, at least 22 schools across the state have reported positive cases, state health director Thomas Dobbs said at a news conference this week. Nineteen cases were reported among students and 15 cases among staff.

Volunteers added to the antibody therapy trial

On the other hand, two late-stage antibody therapy clinical trials have seen more volunteers enrolled through the National Allergic Infection Covid-19 Prevention Network (CoVPN), and the study has shown more sites and more people. I am joining.

Research shows that false information on Covid-19 spreads in 25 different languages, leading to death and injury

These therapies are antibodies made in the lab to target specific infections or toxins. If they work, treatment may soon provide protection against the virus compared to vaccines. The vaccine can take weeks before it starts providing protection, and cannot provide protection if someone is already infected. However, while antibody therapy usually works for only a few months, vaccines provide long-term protection.

In the first trial, volunteers are given placebo or a dose of REGN-COV-2. This is an antibody treatment created by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, which has been successful in laboratory and animal studies and has been shown to be safe in human trials.

Clinical trials test whether antibody cocktails provide protection against disease, whether someone is infected, whether treatment limits the number of symptoms, and whether it prevents people from being hospitalized. To do.

These three Covid-19 vaccines are in the news.  Here's what you need to know about them

Scientists want to enroll 2,000 asymptomatic adults who have come into contact with infected families. Volunteers are treated within 96 hours of contacting the infected person, and scientists check in with them again for 7 months to make sure the treatment is safe and effective.

The second trial tests how Eli Lilly and Company’s LY-CoV555 antibody treatment works in people working or living in nursing homes, or in nursing homes with positive cases. I will.

The trial will seek 2,400 volunteers to test whether treatment of this vulnerable population will prevent infection, and whether treatment will prevent symptoms or reduce the severity of the disease. To test.

CNN’s Jen Christensen and Jamiel Lynch contributed to this report.


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