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COVID-19 does not directly damage taste bud cells


A new study from the Center for Regenerative Biosciences at the University of Georgia is the first to suggest that COVID-19 does not directly damage taste bud cells.

In contrast to previous studies that showed that the damage could be directly caused by viral particles, researchers led by Hongxiang Liu, an associate professor of animal and dairy science at the University of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences at UGA, said We have found that the loss of is probably indirectly triggered by an event triggered during inflammation of COVID-19.

An increasing number of patients with COVID-19 have reported loss of smell and taste, and the CDC urges them to add it to the list of increasing symptoms of COVID-19. According to a recent study, 20% to 25% of patients report loss of taste.

“More worrying is the proportion of patients who report loss of taste some day after being exposed to the virus,” Liu said. “This is what we need to watch carefully.”

This study, published at ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science, further shows that taste bud cells are not vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Most of them do not express ACE2, the gateway used by the virus to enter the body.

“This study is not the first to study ACE2 expression in the oral cavity,” Liu said. “But this is the first time we have shown that other cell death mechanisms may be involved, especially in relation to coronavirus and taste bud cell survival.”

By studying mice as a model organism, Liu and her colleagues determined whether ACE2 was specifically expressed in taste bud cells and when this receptor first appeared in oral tissue cells during fetal development. Wanted to find out.

The mouse version of ACE2 is unaffected by SARS-CoV-2, but given that mice and humans share similar expression patterns, studying where it is expressed in mice can lead to infection. You can then reveal what is happening when the taste is lost. gene.

“Mouse carry different cellular copies of ACE2, making them intolerant to SARS-CoV-2 infection,” Liu said. “The logical first step was to genetically engineer a model to study ACE2 receptor expression in wild-type mice, providing people with insight into what is happening.”

Analysis of adult mouse oral cell data revealed that ACE2 is rich in cells that provide the rough surface of the tongue, but was not found in most taste bud cells. That is, the virus probably does not affect the loss of taste due to direct infection of these cells.

“As the data show, future design of treatments directed at the ACE2 receptor is likely to be ineffective in treating loss of taste in patients afflicted with COVID-19,” Liu said. ..

According to the team, more researchers have jumped into the study of coronaviruses, publishing more data on anosmia than on taste.

“Anosmia coronavirus research is being published at a faster pace,” Liu said. “This is the only COVID-19 study we know and involves mechanisms of loss of taste. Tongue loss is due to the complexity of cells, tissue structure, and limited expression levels. It is more complex and difficult to verify. For ACE2 receptors.”

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