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Human cases in West Nile reported in nearby counties

Human cases in West Nile reported in nearby counties
Human cases in West Nile reported in nearby counties


As of publication, 25 Michiganders have been infected with West Nile virus, including residents from nearly every county near Washtenaw, including Jackson, Livingston-Monroe, Oakland, and Wayne counties.

This information comes nearly a month after the Washtenaw County Health Department warned residents that infection rates could rise over the Labor Day weekend. It is unclear whether the current human case occurred during that week and is currently occurring.

West Nile virus is a virus carried by mosquitoes that can cause flu-like symptoms in infected people. According to the Centers for Disease Control, eight out of 10 people who become infected do not develop symptoms. For people who develop symptoms, it can manifest as fever, vomiting, headache, and body aches. People with weakened immune systems and the elderly are at higher risk of developing serious illness.

Although there have been no confirmed human cases in Washtenaw County, two new dead bird specimens have been found to be carrying West Nile virus, bringing the total to five cases.

Susan Ringler-Cernilia, communications and community health promotion advisor for the Washtenaw County Health Department, is hopeful that the decline in cases in Washtenaw County will continue.

β€œThe fact that no local cases have been reported is really good news,” Ringler-Cerniglia said. “We are still cautious that there may be cases, but we are relieved that there have been no cases so far.”

In Michigan, 164 mosquito pools were tested and 87 animals tested positive for West Nile virus. It is still hypothesized that this possible increase is due to the state's hot, dry climate and the types of mosquitoes that breed in such conditions.

“The types of mosquitoes that carry the West Nile River tend to be favorable.” [hot and dry] But, of course, there is activity throughout the state, so we can't say whether it's due to weather or other factors,” Ringler-Cernilia said.

Ringler-Cernilia said people should take precautions to avoid mosquito bites, such as discarding stagnant water, wearing long sleeves and making sure all open windows have screens. .

“At this time of year, the number of cooler days increases, making it easier to stop thinking.” [mosquitoes]. We may only think of it as something for the summer…We are focused on adhering to the precautionary measures,” Ringler-Cerniglia said.

She said mosquitoes will continue to be a nuisance until Washtenaw County experiences its first hard frost of the season. Until then, county residents must continue to do their part to deter mosquitoes.

For more information about West Nile and how to prevent infection, visit the Washtenaw County Health Department website.




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