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The relationship between sleep and pain is not what we think – UQ News

The relationship between sleep and pain is not what we think – UQ News
The relationship between sleep and pain is not what we think – UQ News


A University of Queensland study investigating the relationship between sleep and pain could fundamentally change the way doctors and clinicians treat people with chronic pain.

Dr. David Klein From UQ Faculty of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences won the UQ Foundation Research Excellence Award for their research into how sleep affects pain recovery.

“Sleep deprivation and chronic pain coexist in up to 90 percent of cases,” Dr. Klein said.

“Until recently, it was thought that pain caused sleep deprivation, but our research suggests the opposite is true: sleep deprivation can worsen and perpetuate pain.”

“For example, if you are experiencing acute pain from an injury, we know that the extent of your recovery depends on the quality of your sleep.

“Poor sleep quality can stimulate the nervous and immune systems, intensify pain, and promote the development of chronic pain.

“If we can prove that sleep deprivation contributes to the development of chronic pain, we can focus on developing and improving sleep treatments to prevent chronic pain.”

“This study has the potential to fundamentally change the way our health care system considers sleep in relation to pain.”

The award will help advance Dr. Klein's research into clinical trials, where he and his team will use a head device to monitor sleep patterns in chronic pain patients, as well as examine patients' hormonal, neurological, and immune responses. Blood and saliva tests will also be conducted.

“We discovered how their nervous and immune systems reacted during periods of good sleep and periods of bad sleep, which participants achieved by setting alarms at intermittent times throughout the night. We’ll see how they react,” he said.

“We also plan to investigate whether and how different sleep patterns, such as deep versus light sleep, differentially impact recovery.

“For example, disruption or loss of deep sleep can impact recovery much more than loss of light sleep.”

Dr. Klein said at least 20 percent of the world's population suffers from chronic pain.

“This is the biggest unsolved health problem of our time, causing more disability than cancer and heart disease combined,” he said.

“Sleep as a pain treatment has been largely ignored, but our research aims to change that.

“We hope that by improving our understanding of the relationship between sleep and pain, we can encourage more clinicians to consider sleep as a legitimate treatment for patients with pain.”

This project is part of Dr. Klein's research into how lifestyle factors affect pain.

His team is currently study Explore how low back pain symptoms are influenced by biology, psychology, sociology, behavior, and lifestyle.

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