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Do teenagers become more prevalent with coronaviruses than infants? | World News


The extent to which children can be infected with coronaviruses and the difference in vulnerability of younger children and adolescents to illness has been the subject of scientific interest as pandemics progress.

Korean studies Published in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention journal In July, it was found that Covid infection rates were highest among contacts in households living with people infected with the virus in the age group of 10 to 19 years. In contrast, they were the lowest in the 0-10 age group.

Dr. Simon Clark, Associate Professor of Cellular Microbiology at the University of Reading, commented on the study: Children Get the virus of any age. People do not go to school, so there is no real epidemiological evidence as to whether it is a problem. “

Another study published in June, “Most additional returns found [primarily older] German students increased infections among students, but staff did not. It is unclear whether older students will send more or it will be virtually impossible to maintain physical distance in large classrooms. “

However, the study found that the same phenomenon was not observed in Denmark and Norway, countries with lower community prevalence rates than Germany. The situation is further complicated by a study found that children under 5 have mild to moderate Covid-19 Much more virus..

According to a study by the American Academy of Pediatrics and Children’s Hospital Association, 97,000 children under the age of 19 were diagnosed with coronavirus positive in the last two weeks of July, and a quarter of the total number of children diagnosed Account for more than Since March, a significant rise nationwide, and as some states are trying to resume face-to-face education.

“It’s a big deal,” said Professor Paul Hunter of the University of East Anglia School of Medicine. “My guess is that infected infants are highly contagious, but teenagers are more in close contact and are likely to spread the infection.

R, or “effective reproductive count,” is a method of assessing the ability of a disease to spread. This is the average number of people infected by one person. When R exceeds 1, the epidemic increases exponentially. Anything less than 1 and the outbreak will eventually go away.

At the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, the estimated R for coronavirus was 2-3 – higher than seasonal influenza values ​​and lower than measles values. That is, before each person recovers or dies, each person tells it to two to three people on average, and each person tells two to three more people, and over time the total number of snowmen. Will be. ..

However, the number of plays is not fixed. It depends on the biology of the virus. People’s behavior such as social distance. Immunity of the population. Depending on the country, regional differences in R numbers may be seen, depending on regional factors such as population density and transport patterns.

Hannah Devlin Science correspondent

“Looking at Sweden, the country left elementary schools open, but closed secondary and higher education institutions. So it might have been enough to keep the R-value a little lower.”

Some experts have suggested that greater social contact may explain that older children are more likely to spread the virus than younger people. However, Dr. Sara Lewis, a senior lecturer in genetic epidemiology at the University of Bristol, said: “This can also be due to differences in the immune system of young children.”


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