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New Towns and Cities Added to Government Coronavirus Watch List-29 Affected UK Regions


The weekly watch list of the government, which aims to monitor and impose regulations on local governments with a high incidence of coronaviruses, is based on data from the British Public Health Service taken from 24 July to 30 July. It is based on.

At the local government level, Blackburn and Derwen had the highest number of Covid-19 cases, with an increase of 80.6 positive cases per 100,000 in the week leading up to July 30.

However, this was a decrease in the number of new cases in the previous week.

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Public Health England has revealed 29 municipalities on the government’s coronavirus surveillance list due to increased infections.

Households in the Blackburn and Derwen areas are not allowed to visit households as part of new local blockade measures to control the spread of the virus.

These are 29 municipalities with high overall infection rates and are currently on the watch list.

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The Government’s weekly Covid-19 Watchlist has 29 areas.

The list of governments shows that local governments are most concerned about the areas most vulnerable to the spread of Covid-19, which could create a second wave.

The watch list is based on the municipalities with the highest weekly incidence, regardless of the region’s upward or downward trend, combined with its test-positive rate and other indicators such as medical activity and mortality. I will.

Oldham was the second most frequent new coronavirus case every week, with 65.4 positive cases per 100,000.

In areas where infections are on the rise, households are also prohibited from visiting each other in their own homes to contain the virus.

The first area to be subject to local lockdowns, Leicester is the third largest on the government’s watch list, with 57.1 new cases per 100,000 in just one week.

Households are still unable to meet in their homes, but the prevalence of infection in the town is declining.

Coronavirus infection rates in Sheffield have fallen by more than a third, according to the latest weekly government update based on 7-day data until August 7.

Figures based on tests conducted in the laboratory and in the wider community show that the infection rate dropped from 16.1 per 100,000 in the week by 31 July to 10.3 in the week by 7 August ..

There were 60 confirmed coronavirus-positive cases in 7 days until August 7, compared with 94 cases in the previous week.

Wakefield, near the bottom of the government’s watch list, ranks 26th, with 15.1 new people in every 100,000 population infected with the virus.

Although wakefield infection rates are significantly lower than those of Blackburn and Derwen, the town is still considered a concern.

Oadby and Wigston were also classified as areas of concern for 12.3 new positive cases per 100,000.

The area is on the decline of infectious diseases and people can visit each other in their homes.

Eden had the fewest positive cases of Covid-19 compared to the municipalities on the list, with 9.5/100,000 coronaviruses every week.

Every seven days, nine out of 100,000 new cases are positive in the average UK region.

Regions classified as places of interest are defined as the “highest prevalence” municipality. Additional testing in nursing homes and increased community involvement with high-risk groups have taken targeted action in the region to reduce prevalence.

Places that are classified as areas of enhanced support are those where the risk of intervention is moderate to high, and there are more detailed plans with additional resources to support the municipality.

The area of ​​intervention differs from the measures being implemented in other parts of the UK due to the importance of the spread, as it has a detailed action plan and local resources to delay the spread of the infection. ..

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