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WHO launches global strategic plan to combat the rise in dengue and other Aedes arbovirus infections

WHO launches global strategic plan to combat the rise in dengue and other Aedes arbovirus infections
WHO launches global strategic plan to combat the rise in dengue and other Aedes arbovirus infections


Today, the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Strategic Preparedness, Preparedness and Response Plan (SPRP) to tackle dengue and other diseases Aedes– vector arbovirus. The plan aims to reduce the burden of illness, suffering and death from diseases such as dengue. Aedes-Prevent arboviral diseases such as Zika and Chikungunya by promoting a coordinated global response.

The plan outlines priority actions to control transmission, including disease surveillance, laboratory activities, vector control, community engagement, clinical management, research and development through whole-of-society and regional approaches. provides recommendations to affected countries across a range of sectors.

An estimated 4 billion people worldwide are at risk of arbovirus infection, and this number is estimated to increase to 5 billion by 2050. The number of dengue cases has soared in all six WHO regions, with the number of cases nearly doubling since then. In 2021, more than 12.3 million cases were reported as of the end of August this year, nearly double the 6.5 million cases reported in all of 2023.

Dengue fever is endemic in tropical and subtropical climates, particularly in Southeast Asia, the Western Pacific, and the Americas. The situation is equally concerning in Africa, where countries are grappling with multiple diseases amid conflicts and natural disasters, further straining already fragile health systems. In December 2023, WHO rated the current global dengue outbreak as Grade 3, WHO's highest level of emergency, to help countries strengthen their surveillance capacity and implement response activities.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO, said: “The rapid spread of dengue fever and other arboviral diseases in recent years is a worrying trend that requires a coordinated response across sectors and borders.” said. “Everyone has a role to play in the fight against dengue fever, from maintaining a clean environment to supporting vector control to seeking and providing timely medical care. This is a roadmap for changing the flow. Aedestransmitting arboviral diseases, protecting vulnerable populations and paving the way to a healthier future. ”

Factors such as unplanned urbanization, poor water, sanitation and hygiene practices, climate change, and international travel are driving the rapid geographic spread of dengue fever. The disease is now endemic in more than 130 countries. Similar trends have been observed with other arboviral diseases, particularly in the Americas, such as Zika, chikungunya, and more recently Oroporchi virus disease. This global expansion highlights the urgent need for robust strategies to reduce risks and protect populations.

The SPRP consists of five key components that are essential to a successful outbreak response.

  1. Emergency coordination: Establish leadership and coordination activities.
  2. Joint monitoring: Development and use of tools for early detection and control of diseases such as dengue fever Aedes– Communicable disease outbreaks, including enhanced indicator and event-based surveillance, epidemiological analysis, laboratory diagnosis, and field investigations.
  3. Protecting the community: Engage communities through active dialogue and local adaptation of prevention and response measures, including mosquito population control.
  4. Safe and Scalable Care: Ensure effective clinical management and resilient health services so that patients receive appropriate care and prevent illness and death. and
  5. Access to measures: Accelerating research and innovation for improved treatments and effective vaccines against these diseases.

The plan will be implemented over a one-year period until September 2025 and calls for US$55 million to support health preparedness, preparedness and response efforts. are aligned with Responding to global vector control 2017-2030a global strategy to strengthen vector control around the world, and Global Arbovirus Initiativelaunched in 2022, will focus on tackling mosquito-borne arboviruses with epidemic potential.

The SPRP is a call to action for all stakeholders, from government agencies and health care providers to communities and individuals, to join forces in the fight against dengue and other diseases. Aedesvectoring arboviruses through innovation, new technologies, and improved vector control strategies.




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