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COVID-19 boosters have begun being distributed to some Canadians. Who can get them? – Nationwide

COVID-19 boosters have begun being distributed to some Canadians. Who can get them? – Nationwide
COVID-19 boosters have begun being distributed to some Canadians. Who can get them? – Nationwide


updated COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) While vaccines are starting to be distributed to some high-risk Canadians, others will have to wait a little longer to receive these new vaccines.

last month, Health Canada approves Pfizer and Moderna's latest coronavirus vaccine Targets the latest variants of the virus.

Both shots are approved for everyone 6 months of age and older.

The two drugmakers' new mRNA vaccines target Omicron's KP.2 variant, which dominated the spread of coronavirus infections earlier this year.

Additional variants, particularly KP.3.1.1, are currently circulating in Canada, but they are so closely related that cross-protection from vaccines can be expected.

As of September 27, Moderna's latest Spikevax shot was available for ages 6 months and older, while Pfizer-BioNTech's latest Comirnaty was available for ages 12 and older. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada.

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PHAC told Global News that up to 19 million doses of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have been secured to meet state and territory demand for fall and winter vaccination campaigns.

“Doses of authorized COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for fall vaccination campaigns began being delivered to jurisdictions the week of September 23.”rd” PHAC spokeswoman Anna Madison said in an email statement Friday.

In Ontario, the new vaccine is being distributed only to high-risk and high-priority populations through public health units, participating pharmacies and participating health-care providers, according to the Ontario Ministry of Health.

“The updated COVID-19 vaccine will be available to everyone six months of age and older starting October 28, 2024,” the Ontario Ministry of Health told Global News in an emailed statement Friday. spoke.

A pharmacist at Sam's IDA Pharmacy in Toronto told Global News that the new vaccine is expected to be released after Thanksgiving.

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Health Canada approves Moderna's latest coronavirus vaccine

Manitoba's fall campaign begins Oct. 15, and the minister of health will share more details in the near future, including on influenza, respiratory syncytial virus and COVID-19 preparedness, a provincial spokesperson said.

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“It is important to note that influenza vaccinations are already available at many locations, including health departments, clinics, access centres, pharmacies, vaccine clinics and nursing stations,” the spokesperson added. .

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Like Ontario, Yukon is currently prioritizing high-risk populations such as seniors over 60 and people living in long-term care facilities.

Starting October 15, health centers will begin offering influenza and updated COVID-19 vaccines to the general population, with a wider rollout planned for November 1. According to the Yukon Department of Health and Social Services.

Approximately 60,000 doses of the coronavirus vaccine will be delivered to Prince Edward Island.

“The first shipment of Moderna arrived last week and has been distributed to pharmacies and public health agencies. The first shipment of Pfizer is scheduled for October 4,” a spokesperson for P.E.I.'s Department of Health and Human Services said. .

“Vaccinators can begin providing the vaccine as soon as they receive it (there is no clear start date).”

The New Brunswick Ministry of Health did not provide a timeline for the vaccination rollout, but said “more information will soon be available to share regarding the upcoming vaccination campaign.”

Fall respiratory virus vaccines, including the COVID-19 vaccine, are starting to arrive in Alberta. The Health Minister's Office told Global News that policy information is being shared with immunization stakeholders.

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“We expect to make further announcements about Alberta's immunization program next week,” the agency said.

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States directed to discontinue existing coronavirus vaccinations

Global News reached out to PHAC and all other states and territories regarding the rollout of the new coronavirus vaccine, but did not receive a response by press time.

The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) strongly recommends that: The latest COVID-19 vaccines for previously vaccinated and unvaccinated people at high risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection or severe COVID-19 disease.

These include everyone over the age of 65, residents of long-term care facilities, people who are pregnant, people with underlying health conditions, and people from Indigenous communities.

All other people 6 months and older who are not at high risk for COVID-19 infection or severe disease may also receive the latest vaccines this fall, according to NACI.

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Some experts are warning of a surge in COVID-19 activity in Canada this fall.

“Based on what we've seen so far, we expect to see a significant amount of COVID-19 infections in the fall and winter,” Alison McGeer, an infectious disease physician at Sinai Health in Toronto, told Global News. said in a previous interview. .

McGeer said people should get vaccinated because “COVID-19 remains a concern in Canada.”

“There are clear benefits to getting vaccinated when it's available in Canada to protect you over the winter,” she says.

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COVID-19: Canada will not order Novavax vaccine due to low demand

PHAC said older versions of COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized and cannot be used.

Health Canada recently directed provinces and territories to withdraw and destroy all remaining supplies of the previous XBB vaccine before supplies of the new KP.2 formulation are shipped.

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Novavax's latest protein-based COVID-19 vaccine (targeting the JN.1 variant); is also approved but PHAC is not ordered due to low demand.

— with files From Canadian Press and Association Press

© 2024 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.




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