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Expert lifestyle tips for nutrition and prevention

Expert lifestyle tips for nutrition and prevention
Expert lifestyle tips for nutrition and prevention


Smiling woman wearing breast cancer awareness headband with pink ribbon on the beachShare on Pinterest
Diet and lifestyle factors play an important role in breast cancer prevention. A&J Photo/Getty Images
  • Early-onset breast cancer is on the rise in women under 50, a new report has found.
  • Although breast cancer deaths are decreasing overall, disparities among women of color persist.
  • Apart from genetic factors in some people, breast cancer is highly influenced. By dietary and lifestyle factors.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, eating a healthy, balanced diet, and limiting exposure to environmental toxins have been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Although the mortality rate from breast cancer has decreased in recent years, early-onset breast cancer is on the rise.

Breast cancer deaths have fallen by 44% over the past 30 years, but in the biennial update: American Cancer Society It warns of an increase in breast cancer diagnoses in women under 50.

Furthermore, disparities in mortality rates continue to exist for women of color compared to white women. Black women are at higher risk for triple-negative breast cancer and have the lowest survival rates for nearly all breast cancer subtypes and stages, the report shows.

Breast cancer incidence in all women is caused by a myriad of factors, apart from genetic predisposition, many of which are modifiable byproducts of modern life.

recent research They showed that for 19 out of 30 cancer types, nearly half of all cases in the United States are associated with modifiable cancers. risk factors. A significant proportion of these cancer cases, including breast cancer, affect women.

After lung cancer, breast cancer in women is associated with the most modifiable risk factors.

Is there only one possible culprit? alcohol. a progress report Link from American Association for Cancer Research alcohol intake Increased risk of six types of cancer, including breast cancer.

Other factors, such as being overweight or obese, difficulty maintaining a healthy diet, and exposure to environmental toxins, also play a role in the development of breast cancer.

“It's important to know that the breast organ itself is more vulnerable to cancer than other organs. That's why breast cancer is more common and the price is more vulnerable.” he said. Dr. Marisa C. WeissChief Medical Officer and Founder breast

“If you look at modern life, people are having babies later, not breastfeeding, drinking more alcohol, being overweight and not exercising, not eating well, or having poor health. It's getting worse. Long-term use of pharmaceutical hormones is a combination of reasons why breast cancer is more common today than ever before, including in younger women.”

Healthline spoke to Weiss to learn more about early-onset breast cancer, some modifiable risk factors, and other tips for breast cancer prevention.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity and brevity.

Weiss: Breast cancer was extremely rare 100 years ago, but today it is the most common cancer affecting women. 1 in 8 women — 2.3 million people worldwide — I get breast cancer every year.

There are various explanations for the overall increase in breast cancer incidence, especially among young women. Here are some steps you should take that are proven to reduce your risk of breast cancer:

  • maintain a healthy weight
  • exercise regularly
  • Eat a primarily plant-based diet (i.e., Mediterranean diet)
  • Limit or eliminate alcohol use
  • Reduce exposure to environmental pollutants
  • Consider non-hormonal contraception
  • quit smoking
  • sleep well
  • interact with others
  • consider genetic testing In case of BRCA gene mutation
  • If so, please consider further testing dense breasts

Here we take a closer look at some of the main factors that may be influencing the rising incidence of breast cancer in young women.

1. High prevalence of overweight and obesity

Weiss: Affected by obesity or overweight two thirds of women. Increases when carrying extra weight inflammationstimulates the body's cells and increases the chance of cancer cells developing. Excess weight accelerates the onset of puberty and is a risk factor for breast cancer.

People who carry extra weight have a harder time exercising and are less likely to eat well. In one study, 30% more risk Incidence of breast cancer in obese and nonobese postmenopausal women.

Of course, it's very difficult to reach and maintain a healthy weight, but getting there reduces your risk of breast cancer and your risk of recurrence if you're diagnosed with breast cancer.

2. Increased exposure to environmental pollutants

Weiss: Pesticides, plastics, fragrances, and other types of pollutants – many of them are lipophilic and dissolve in fats after exposure.

If you were exposed to pesticides, such as DDT, many years ago, there may be residual DDT in your fatty tissue, which can increase your risk of breast cancer.

To reduce exposure to contaminants, avoid products that contain flavorings and don't cook in plastic.

4. Increased alcohol consumption among women

Weiss: Women's alcohol intake increase. And the more you drink, the higher your risk of breast cancer.

recent research It shows that there is no safe level of alcohol use. Consuming alcohol may increase your risk of breast cancer, but this is an unpopular reality. If you drink alcohol, limit the amount you drink.

5. Hormones in conventional dairy products

Weiss: The products we eat contain hormones that can stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells.

Conventional dairy, as opposed to organic dairy, keeps cows pregnant as often as possible because pregnant cows produce more milk.

Therefore, anything in milk during pregnancy is likely to contain hormones. Hormones are normally found in the fat of milk.

However, in the organic milk industry, this is not allowed. Milk is taken from pregnant cows only in the first trimester, rather than in the second or third trimester, when hormone levels are higher.

If you want to avoid exposure to hormones, buy organic non-fat milk. It sounds elitist to say, “Go out and buy organic,” but organic products, including milk, are increasingly available at Walmart grocery stores and other places catering to low-income people. It is true that there are.

6. Hormones in contraception, HRT

Because most people are trying to prevent pregnancy rather than have a baby, the use of hormonal contraceptives is highly effective and widely used.

Try to find an effective non-hormonal birth control method, such as a non-hormonal IUD.

Weiss: a girl drinking alcohol highly likely An overgrowth of breast cells, or hyperplasia, that occurs while the girl is still a girl. It may not be breast cancer, but it's more likely that you have a lump, and you're more likely to get a biopsy.

It is not known exactly why alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer. It probably has something to do with how the liver responds to it and possibly hormone levels that may increase.

The reason for this may not be fully understood yet. Alcohol increases cancer risk. Still, there is fairly strong evidence that alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, and that the more you drink, the greater the risk.

But there are opportunities to modify the risks. non-alcoholic drinks Like a flavorful seltzer with mint and lime in a wine glass when you go to a party.

When you drink wine with a meal, you drink it more slowly. When you go to a restaurant, keep your hand on the glass to avoid over-pouring.

Reducing your alcohol intake can also make a big difference in weight management. When you stop drinking alcohol, you consume fewer calories from alcohol.

Weiss: Modern life is full of all kinds of exposures that are not healthy for us. You have options if you are at the grocery store and you can also take them home healthy food Rather than being unhealthy.

For example, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has the following list:Dirty DozenThese are the top fruits and vegetables most likely to be grown in the presence of pesticides and other junk. Just like with milk, you'll want to buy it from organic sources.

Junk in the environment also becomes more concentrated as you move up the food chain, which is why larger fish like tuna are more exposed to junk. mercury Throughout your life. Therefore, it is better to eat them lower down the food chain.

I tell my patients that their main dishes should include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, grains, spices, and a rainbow of colors. Meat, fish, chicken and pork should be more of a sideshow.

A vegetarian diet is healthier, even if it includes foods on the Dirty Dozen list. The Mediterranean diet is the healthiest diet, even if you can't afford organic.

For example, when eating chicken, remove the skin as it contains a lot of fat. When eating fish, avoid the brown fat underneath as it contains junk.

Let's enjoy tuna once in a while. Otherwise, enjoy smaller fish (sardines and anchovies), or tilapia or flounder, which are cheaper than eating higher up the food chain. The larger the fish, the higher up the food chain there is more junk in it.

For those who cannot afford organic food, vegetarian meal Even if it contains foods on the Dirty Dozen list, it's healthier. The Mediterranean diet is the healthiest diet, even if you can't afford organic.

Are there any risks in consuming soy?

Weiss: Soybeans contain isoflavones, very weak protein estrogen level. I think it is safe to consume relatively unprocessed soybeans.Food (e.g. edamame, tofu, tempeh, soy milk).

“Economical vegetarians” who can't afford meat, or people who follow their diet with the largest source of protein soy. Their risk of breast cancer is low.

What I warn people about is pharmaceutical grade concentrated soy protein powder. I don't know if it's safe, so I think it's best to avoid it.

Weiss: First of all, don't panic. of new fda rules They say you need to know if your breasts are dense. It is important to know that breast density is not a diagnosis, just a description, and is based on the mammogram.

Half of women who undergo mammography have dense breasts. Half, or a quarter, of the entire pie contains what are called unevenly dense breasts, or patches of dense tissue.

About a quarter of all breast cancers, or half of those with dense breasts, have very dense breast tissue. This means your risk of breast cancer may be slightly higher. It also means breast cancer is a little harder to find because it's like trying to find a polar bear in a snowstorm. In that case, additional tests such as an ultrasound or MRI may be needed.

The list of factors that affect breast cancer risk is long. Breast density is just one of them.

Breast density is family historyweight, alcohol intake, whether you are socially isolated, whether your diabetes is uncontrolled, whether you are using HRT or oral contraceptives for a long period of time, all these factors need to be checked. .

If you find out you have dense breasts, we recommend talking to your doctor or genetic counselor about your overall risk.

It is important to note that breast cancer also occurs in men, although it is rare. The condition affects 1/800 Men have one in eight lifetimes, while women have one in eight.

Cases of early-onset breast cancer are on the rise. Although overall breast cancer mortality rates are decreasing, disparities remain and women of color continue to face significant risks.

The main risk factors for breast cancer include obesity, alcohol consumption, hormonal exposure, and environmental pollutants.

The role of genetic factors should also be considered, especially for women of color and women with a family history of breast cancer. Tell your doctor if you have dense breasts or other risk factors for breast cancer. Genetic testing may be recommended for individualized risk management.




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