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Different exercise patterns offer health benefits

Different exercise patterns offer health benefits


At a glance

  • People who did most of their exercise one or two days a week had the same reduced risk of illness as those who were active all week.
  • The findings suggest that people may not need to maintain physical activity throughout the week to reap health benefits.

Regular physical activity can help prevent many health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. National guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each week. However, pressure from work, school, and other stressors can make it difficult to exercise regularly.

Many people spend their days off engaging in recreational activities such as hiking, team sports, and cycling. This is enough to meet the level of exercise recommended by the guidelines. Research shows that this “weekend warrior” pattern of exercise can be just as beneficial for people as spreading out the activities throughout the week.

Researchers led by Dr. Shaan Khurshid of Massachusetts General Hospital will use UK Biobank data in a new study, partially funded by the NIH, to examine different patterns of physical activity in large populations. I did. The UK Biobank has tracked the health status of more than 500,000 adults for almost 20 years. Participants took part in this study between the ages of 40 and 69 years. Almost 90,000 of the participants wore accelerometers on their wrists for a week when they took part in the study.

The researchers used this activity data to categorize participants into three groups. The first group exercised less than 150 minutes per week. These were considered inactive. The second included people who exercised regularly for at least 150 minutes per week. A third group, called Weekend Warriors, also exceeded the 150-minute mark, but did most of it in just a day or two.

The team then compared the risk of developing 678 health conditions over an average follow-up period of six years. The analysis accounted for other factors that may influence disease risk. These include age, gender, ethnicity, tobacco and alcohol use, diet, and more. Results published on September 26, 2024. circulation.

Researchers found that people in both exercise groups had a reduced risk of developing more than 250 different health conditions compared to inactive people. The biggest reductions in risk were for diseases that affect the cardiovascular system and metabolism, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. For example, both the regular exerciser group and the weekend warrior group had a more than 40% lower risk of developing diabetes than the inactive group during the study.

The researchers found no difference in reducing the risk of any disease between the groups who did regular exercise and those who were weekend warriors. This also applies to two groups of people who significantly exceed the recommended minimum amount of activity per week.

“Weekend warriors and regular activity appear to have similar benefits, so it may be the total amount of activity rather than the pattern that matters most,” Khurshid says. “Future interventions that test the effectiveness of intensive activities to improve public health are warranted, and patients should be encouraged to use any pattern that seems most effective to them and follow guidelines. Engaging in physical activity should be encouraged.”

Further research is needed to better understand the effects of different activity patterns. These may include tracking activity patterns over time and longer-term follow-up studies.

—Written by Sharon Reynolds

Funding: NIH's National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). German Research Foundation; Sigrid Juselius Foundation; American Heart Association; Harvard University; European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program.




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