What doctors want women to know about breasts
It's time to think about your breasts, not just this month. Breast Cancer Awareness Monthbut every month.
According to the American Cancer Society, one in eight women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer during her lifetime. Breast cancer is second most common cause rate of cancer deaths among women in the United States; 42,000 women People die every year from this cancer.
These numbers are especially alarming because when breast cancer is detected in its early stages, the five-year survival rate is as high as 99%. This is why screening is so important, including in younger women, where breast cancer diagnosis rates are low. is increasing In recent years.
Women need to know when to start breast cancer screening. Should other tests be done besides mammography? Who should start screening earlier? Should women self-examine? If so, what should they look for? What changes should we expect to see in our breasts? Are there steps women can take to reduce their risk of breast cancer? And what can men do?
To answer these questions, I spoke to CNN wellness expert Dr. Leena Wen. Wen is an emergency physician and adjunct associate professor at George Washington University. She previously served as the health commissioner for the city of Baltimore.
CNN: When should women start breast cancer screening?
Dr. Follow Wen: According to recent recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, most women should have a mammogram every other year from age 40 until they reach age 74. (The task force concluded that there is insufficient evidence to recommend whether or not to recommend mammography at the population level for people 75 and older. Patients should discuss their individual circumstances with their health care provider.) )
This was a significant change from the previous guidance of starting mammograms every other year once you turn 50. Part of this change was made in response to reports of an increase in cancer diagnoses. among young people.
CNN: Should we do tests other than mammography?
Wen: It is important to distinguish between screening and diagnosis. Screening is done if there are no symptoms. If the screening test is positive, additional studies may be done to further determine whether cancer is a possibility.
Depending on your risk factors, you may receive additional screening tests. For example, genetic testing may be recommended for people who have more than one first-degree relative with breast cancer. People who have had previous abnormal test results or who are at high risk for breast cancer may have tests such as a breast MRI or ultrasound in addition to a mammogram.
In recent years, there has been much debate among experts about whether young women with dense breast tissue need these additional screening tests. of American College of Radiology Breast MRI is currently recommended for some women with dense breast tissue. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has not made this recommendation, but patients can discuss this with their doctors.
CNN: Who should start mammography before age 40?
Wen: For women at average risk for breast cancer, starting at age 40 is recommended. People at increased risk include women who have a sister, mother, or other first-degree relative with breast cancer. People who have had breast cancer themselves or who have received radiation to the chest as treatment for other cancers are also at increased risk. All of these people should consult their health care provider to determine when, which tests, and how often to begin screening.
CNN: Should women self-examine? If so, what should they look for?
Wen: According to American Cancer Societystudies have not proven a clear benefit of regular self-exams, especially if women also have screening mammograms.
However, women may still notice changes that should be reported to the doctor. You should understand how your breasts look and feel, and if you notice any unexpected changes, seek care without delay.
of most common symptoms A new mass or lump from breast cancer. Although many lumps turn out to be non-cancerous, it is very important to get tested.
Other changes that may prompt a woman to contact her doctor include nipple discharge, pain or swelling, the nipple turning inward, and changes in the color of the breast or nipple. Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit or near the collarbone should also be reported.
These changes can be detected during daily activities such as taking a shower, combing your hair, and getting dressed. This is also why women need to know how their breasts generally look and feel and pay attention to changes.
CNN: What normal changes should women expect to experience in their breasts over time?
Wen: There is multiple changes This occurs in the breast tissue throughout a woman's life. During puberty, your breasts become larger and your nipples become swollen. Pregnant women experience significant changes before, during, and after pregnancy. Many pregnant women report breast swelling, pain, and tingling in the nipples. Breast blood vessels become more prominent, and the nipples become larger and darker in color.
After giving birth, many women report that their breasts have changed in appearance, even after they stop breastfeeding. And when you enter menopause, changes occur. Breast tissue tends to shrink and lose its elasticity.
These are all normal changes that occur as women go through different stages of life. The size and texture of your breasts also change slightly with your menstrual cycle. All of this should highlight why women need to be conscious of their bodies to be aware of problems that may arise at different points in life.
CNN: Are there steps women can take to reduce their risk of breast cancer?
Wen: Risk factors such as family history and cancer history cannot be changed, but there are some that can be changed. For example, quitting smoking and reducing alcohol intake can eliminate two major risk factors for breast cancer: smoking and heavy alcohol consumption. Obtain regular physical activity It can also lower your overall risk of cancer, as can eating a nutritious diet with reduced intake. ultra-processed materials.
CNN: Can men get breast cancer too?
yes. I have mainly mentioned women because breast cancer is much more common among women. However, some men are also diagnosed with breast cancer.
Men with a significant family history of breast cancer should talk to their doctor about screening recommendations and don't hesitate to seek treatment if they notice changes in their breasts.
Additionally, all people assigned female at birth should follow the breast cancer screening recommendations listed above. This includes not only cisgender women; transgender men and non-binary people.
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