How to report your at-home coronavirus test and influenza test results online

Wipe it with a cotton swab, swirl it around, spray it on, and sit tight. By now, you're probably used to the ritual of taking a coronavirus test at home or on the go. disease detection Since 2020, testing has evolved rapidly. Back then, you might have had to find a pop-up testing clinic or wait hours in line at your local health department, with a clinician waiting to stick a swab up your nose.
Since then, rapid coronavirus tests have become a staple of cough and cold treatment across the United States, and just a few weeks ago, the federal government resumed regular distribution of tests. 4 free tests per household. However, you should be careful about the convenience of self-tests. You are responsible for reporting your results.
First, please know that test reports are not mandatory in the United States. So if you don't document it, it's probably not a problem. Your new coronavirus infection or lack of communication with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or state or local public health authorities. Although perhaps more people would self-report if it were a requirement, he says. Dr. Sujata Ambardarinfectious disease specialist. Inova Fairfax Hospital In Falls Church, Virginia.
“Maybe people don't self-report because they don't want to. don't go to work—or maybe they are. I want to go to work“It could be for a variety of reasons, and they might not want other people to know,” says Amberder. luck. “Human nature is that you'll probably only do it if you have to. Once you make it non-mandatory, they tend not to do it.”
Even now, when you undergo an antigen test or PCR test in a clinical setting, your healthcare provider's job I will report the results. You are well within your rights not to report your home test results, but failure to do so can cause problems. adversely affect public health.
An estimated 54 million adult coronavirus cases were recorded in official records between February 1, 2022 and January 1, 2023, according to a national study published in the same journal on September 30. It is said that it was not done. JAMA network open. This is more than double what has been documented. At the state level, the number of unexplained infections ranged from 59,000 in Wyoming to 6.3 million in California. Researchers point to government-led mass distribution of at-home tests as a possible cause for the discrepancy.
Report your COVID results at
Amberder said that in theory, reporting coronavirus test results is “just one extra step added.” But when that second line appears on the test card, Confirm that the disease has struck your householdformally documenting the results may not be a top priority. Even if you test negative, you may not be feeling well enough to get tested in the first place and may not feel like self-reporting.
However, if you decide to do so, please visit the following site: to safely and anonymously Report both positive and negative coronavirus test results. This site is a collaboration with a medical data company. Evolution of care and National Institute of Medical Imaging and Biotechnologypart of the National Institutes of Health. is free to use and does not require immediate self-reporting. In fact, the results don't even have to be recent. As of early October, the site now allows you to enter home test results dating back to November 2021. If you need proof of illness for work or school, this site will provide documentation. Screening tests are conducted at stores, but Both coronavirus and influenza You can also report your results on the site, although this is less common than screening just for coronavirus.
Keep in mind that reporting negative results is just as important as reporting positive results. The national coronavirus test positivity rate for the week ending September 21 was 11.6%. CDC record showdown from 13.4% the previous week. If no negative results are included, the test positivity rate will always be 100%.
Depending on the brand of coronavirus test you use, you may not need to visit at all. Some brands, e.g. iHealthprovides a corresponding smartphone app for free. With the tap of a finger, you can forward your results to the CDC or your health care provider. If you have time, notifying your doctor could help guide local coronavirus treatment, he said. Dr. Donald Dunfordinfectious disease specialist. cleveland clinic akron general.
“The more we know about the true number of cases of coronavirus, the better we can understand its current status as it moves from pandemic to endemic. “It's just something that's happening right now,” Dunford says. luck. “This also helps identify potential increases. new infectious diseaseespecially if you look at The number of cases has increased significantly”
For more information about the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19):
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