Common heart conditions increase risk of dementia, experts say
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According to one researcher, keeping your brain sharp as you age has a lot to do with your heart, and the younger you are, the better you can take care of your heart. new scientific statement The American Heart Association announced Thursday.
“Dementia is generally considered to be an incurable disease that cannot be prevented,” Dr. Fernando Testai, professor of neurology and rehabilitation at the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago, said in a statement.
“However, adopting a healthy lifestyle and identifying and treating vascular risk factors early can help maintain normal brain function and reduce the burden of Alzheimer's disease and other related dementias.” The evidence shows that it can be helpful,” said Testai, who chaired the statement writing group.
Nearly 130 million adults in the United States have some form of heart disease. According to AHA. Adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle starts early in life, even before the baby is born, says Dr. Andrew Freeman, director of cardiovascular prevention and health at National Jewish Health in Denver. Said it was necessary.
“This call to action is especially important right now because so many Americans have some form of heart disease and people are getting sicker and sicker earlier in life.” No Freeman said.
“The curse of the typical American is that we all work hard all our lives,” Freeman said. “We save money, prepare for retirement, and look forward to heart attacks, strokes, and dementia. It can be avoided if possible.”
Dementia and plaque in the arteries
coronary heart diseaseIt is a buildup of plaque within the body's arteries and is a leading cause of death worldwide, according to . world health organization. According to the WHO, the number of deaths from coronary artery disease increased from 6.4 million in 2000 to 9.1 million in 2021.
This disease also damages the brain. Narrowing of arteries caused by coronary heart disease and high blood pressure can reduce blood flow, damage small blood vessels in the brain and cause cognitive impairment, the AHA said. High blood pressure and type 2 diabetes also reduce blood flow to the brain and increase inflammation, which can lead to cognitive decline and dementia.
According to a statement from the AHA, having coronary heart disease increases your risk of developing dementia in the future by 27% compared to people without heart disease. This disease can start inside a person's body 40s and 50soften there are no visible symptoms that alert a person to the danger.
heart attack and heart failure
The AHA estimates that someone in the United States has a heart attack approximately every 40 seconds. Afterwards, up to 50% of survivors experience a loss of brain function, with some experiencing more rapid cognitive impairment, the AHA said in a statement.
Heart failure is a more serious form of heart disease in which the heart becomes too weak to pump enough blood and oxygen to the body's organs. Up to 81% of people with heart failure may have some form of cognitive decline that affects memory, language, or thinking and planning skills, according to a new scientific statement.
“Emerging evidence suggests that the bidirectional relationship between the heart and brain is deeper than we thought,” Testai said in an email. “Vascular risk factors associated with heart disease, such as diabetes, can increase levels of beta-amyloid in the brain, which has been recognized as an important marker of Alzheimer's disease.
“Instead, beta-amyloid is detected in the heart and is associated with cardiac dysfunction,” he said. “These findings suggest a fundamental biochemical connection between the heart and brain.”
A fibers and dementia
Atrial fibrillation, also known as A-fib, is an irregular heartbeat that is often described by many people with symptoms of the heart in the chest “shaking,” “trembling,” or “flip-flopping.”
Atrial fibrillation is Main causes of stroke In the US. Additionally, strokes related to A-fib tend to be “more severe than strokes due to other underlying causes.” According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Microbleeds, small brain bleeds that can cause cognitive decline, are more common in people with atrial fibrillation, according to a new scientific statement. In fact, people with A-fib have a 39% increased risk of memory and thinking problems.
The incidence of atrial fibrillation in the United States is increasing – estimate It is suggested that up to 16 million people will be infected with A-fib by 2050.
Freeman said modern medicine has great drugs, such as statins and cholesterol-lowering drugs, that can prevent or slow the progression of heart disease, especially if detected early. Regular check-ups and taking prescribed medications daily are key to achieving that, he added.
However, there are limits to what drugs can accomplish. For example, aggressively treating high blood pressure may reduce mild cognitive impairment, but not dementia, the AHA statement said.
“Humans are designed to live very differently than we live today, and it's essential that we help people understand how incredibly important lifestyle is,” Freeman said. spoke.
What are the main lifestyle factors promote brain health?Nothing you haven't heard before.
I'm well rested boost moodimprove energy And your brain will become sharper. person who has further disrupted sleep People in their 30s and 40s are more than twice as likely to have problems with their memory and thinking skills 10 years from now, a study found in January.
”sweet spot“Restorative sleep” is when you are able to sleep continuously through the four stages of sleep. 4-6 times each night. Each cycle is approximately 90 minutes long, so most people need 7 to 8 hours of relatively uninterrupted Z to achieve this goal.
Be sure to eat a healthier plant-based diet, such as Award-winning Mediterranean diet.
In the August study, anti-inflammatory diet Replace inflammatory foods with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables red meat and processed meat and ultra-processed foods, Consuming sweetened cereals, soda, french fries, and ice cream reduced the risk of dementia by 31%.
This benefit also applies to people diagnosed with cardiometabolic diseases such as: type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
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High levels of cortisol, the so-called stress hormone, were associated with damage to the parts of the brain that move and manage information. This was discovered in a survey conducted in October 2018. another study Published March 2023 They found that people with high stress levels were 37% more likely to experience cognitive decline.
Stress isn't inherently bad, experts say, and adopting ways to view stressors as healthy challenges can help. Other strategies include getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and limiting the amount of time you spend checking the news and participating in social media, the magazine said. world health organization. It can also be helpful to stay connected to others and adopt calming habits such as: meditation and deep breathing. But one of the most successful tools is physical activity.
If the only lifestyle change you can make is to focus on exercise, Freeman says. Adults should do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week, along with strength training. According to the CDC. If you can't sing because you have trouble breathing, but you can still talk, you know you're getting enough exercise. Intense exercise such as jogging, swimming, or playing basketball can make it difficult to speak at all.
Research shows that increased activity benefits the entire body, including the brain. a September 2022 Survey It was found that people who walked for 30 minutes a day at a very fast pace of 112 steps per minute had a 62% lower risk of dementia.
Don't have a pedometer? You can count your steps in 10 seconds and multiply by 6, or you can count your steps in 6 seconds and multiply by 10. Either method will work.
“Physical activity is really great,” Freeman told CNN. “And when you combine eating a more plant-based diet, de-stressing, getting enough sleep, and connecting with others, that's your magic recipe. It is the fountain of youth.”
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