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A new stage in Alzheimer's disease treatment

A new stage in Alzheimer's disease treatment
A new stage in Alzheimer's disease treatment


Now that amyloid-busting therapies have been approved, scientists have set their sights on stopping beta-amyloid plaques before they develop. start

How are treatments developed for serious conditions like Alzheimer's disease? One step at a time. More than a year ago, a drug was approved in the United States to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. This is a major step in the treatment of the most common form of dementia. Treatments are currently being developed to prevent the development of amyloid plaques.

For people with early-stage Alzheimer's disease, like Pierre Lambert, a former mathematics professor at the Université du Québec, Abitibi-Temiskaming, this new research offers great hope. Lambert's son worked to ensure that he was referred to a center that could offer clinical trials, and Lambert participated in an Alzheimer's disease clinical trial at The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute Hospital).

“We are very aware that innovation in healthcare is essential,” Lambert explains. He also previously worked as a management systems consultant for healthcare networks. “I know something really great is going to come out of it.”

According to the Alzheimer's Society of Canada, the number of people living with Alzheimer's disease is expected to nearly triple to 14 million by 2060, and advances in treatment will impact a huge number of lives. It turns out.

clear the brain of confusion

“We know that in Alzheimer's disease, there are plaques of soluble amyloid that build up in the brain and are not removed quickly enough by the body. A recently approved drug sends antibodies into the brain and removes much of the amyloid that has built up in excess. I will remove it.” explain Dr. Simon Ducharme is a neuropsychiatrist and clinical scientist at The Neuro.

New treatments are an important first step, butThese drugs do not turn back the clock or repair damage. “We know that anti-amyloid drugs are effective.”. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean people with Alzheimer's don't. Improves after treatment. It only slows down progress.” Dr. Ducharme. “We need to develop another complementary approach.”

For the past 10 years, The Neuro has been actively working to bring new dementia treatments to patients in Quebec. A new trial underway at The Neuro's Clinical Research Unit (CRU) aims to take treatment options one step further.

Stop damage before it starts

“The new treatments we are investigating are trying to prevent amyloid production and accumulation, rather than waiting for amyloid buildup, toxicity, and damage to take hold.” Dr. Ducharme explains.

The drugs that may be being tested at CRU are in Phase 1 trials. This means that at this stage, researchers are trying to make sure the drug hits the right biological target and is safe. The drugs used have the advantage of being very long-acting, and the required dose is only once a year. Preliminary results indicate that it is very well tolerated.

Researchers are looking for participants whose symptoms began before age 65 and who have been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia due to Alzheimer's disease.

For Lambert, taking the time to participate in clinical trials is worth it. “I am really honored to be involved in a research project because it not only allows me to help myself, but also contributes to helping other people, and I am very grateful for all the support that is being provided to me. I’m grateful,” he explains.

And each new study is a chance to get closer to a cure for the disease. “There have been clear advances in treatment. Some of the drugs I tried seven or eight years ago have been approved,” explains Dr. Ducharme. “The goal now is to find other effective drug targets and eventually combine treatments, similar to chemotherapy, for better results.”

For more information about our ongoing research, please contact The Neuro's Clinical Research Unit at (514) 398-5500 or [email protected].




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