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Number of people infected with Marburg virus decreases in Rwanda

Number of people infected with Marburg virus decreases in Rwanda
Number of people infected with Marburg virus decreases in Rwanda


for 2nd day in a rowRwanda's Ministry of Health reported that there were no new confirmed cases of Marburg virus or deaths, leaving the total number of infections at 58, including 13 deaths due to the infection.

At a briefing held today by the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), health officials said most of the infected people were part of two hospital clusters in Kinshasa and the outbreak was under control.

Rwanda's Minister of Health, Sabin Nsanzimana, M.D., said the case fatality rate (CFR) is currently 22%, much lower than in previous outbreaks, especially for a disease where case fatality rates can reach as high as 80%. . He said early detection of infected people, appropriate supportive care and the use of antiviral drugs and monoclonal antibodies saved lives.

Fifteen people have recovered from the infection and 30 are still in isolation and receiving treatment.

Over the weekend, the country began vaccinating people at high risk of infection, especially healthcare workers in Kigali. Rwanda has received an initial shipment of approximately 700 doses of the investigational vaccine from the Sabin Vaccine Institute and is using it as part of an open-label clinical trial using a ring vaccination strategy. Nsanzimana said the current trial design is designed to protect those most at risk, and the delayed arm of the study will be conducted at a later stage.

346 doses have been administered so far.

Breaking rumors, concerns about US travel restrictions

At today's briefing, health officials disputed reports that the first patient tested positive in early September, long before the country declared an outbreak. Mr Nsanzimana said tests on the patient's samples were carried out on September 26 and the positive result was announced the next day. He said the investigation into the origin of the virus is still ongoing and the results of genetic sequencing and serology findings will be available within the next few days.

Regarding the news of a suspected case of Marburg disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Africa CDC Director General Jean Kaseya, MD, MPH, said the group was following the alert issued by Goma and testing of patient samples. The result was negative for Marburg virus.

When asked about Upgraded travel advisory Kaseya and Nsanzimana, who heard the announcement regarding immigration and airport screening from the United States, said they were disappointed by the development. Nsanzimana said Rwanda is taking an aggressive approach in identifying and monitoring contacts and testing international travelers. He called on countries to base their travel recommendations on science.

On October 8, the Africa CDC issued the following statement: statement Urges countries not to implement travel bans or restrictions targeting African countries in response to the mpox and Marburg virus outbreaks.

While officials praised the U.S.'s assistance in combating the outbreak, Kaseya said he wished U.S. officials had discussed the issue and the scientific evidence for the recommendations with the Africa CDC.




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