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Pertussis is spreading across Idaho, but what is it?

Pertussis is spreading across Idaho, but what is it?


Whooping cough (also known as whooping cough) is a highly contagious respiratory disease that only affects humans. Although it can affect people of all ages, it can be more dangerous for the young, elderly, or medically predisposed people.

What is pertussis?

Caused by a bacterium called Bordetella pertussisthe bacteria successfully infect humans by attacking specialized epithelial cells (lining cells) called ciliated cells in the upper respiratory tract.

Cells are so called because they exist structurally. ciliahair-like structures that aid airflow in the respiratory system by removing debris. These structures become a habitat for infectious bacteria, which attach to the structures and begin producing multiple toxins that cause both local and systemic symptoms.

These toxins cause swelling of the airways, making it difficult to breathe, triggering a coughing response, and increasing mucus production.

How is the contract

A five-part diagram explaining the stages of whooping cough (symptoms, contraction, reproduction, spread) and where it occurs in the body (upper respiratory tract)

Abigail Moody


boise state public radio

The disease is spread by touching microscopic droplets infected with the bacteria and then touching your mouth or nose, or by inhaling the particles. Additionally, exposure to these infectious microdroplets can be caused by methods such as touching a handle by an infectious person, being sneezed on by a sick person, or sharing eating utensils with an infectious person. There is a possibility that

Overall, the best way to avoid getting sick from someone you know is contagious is to avoid spending time or sharing space with them. Infected people can be contagious for several weeks, even up to two weeks, after the cough begins.

In addition to this, it is possible to infect a person with mild symptoms even before the cough begins, as the bacteria are still present in the body and can be spread through microdroplets.

Other names and vaccine information

Pertussis also has other names, such as “100-day cough” and “rib-breaking cough.” It is very unpleasant and can cause significant damage, but it can be prevented by good personal hygiene (hand washing), avoiding infected people, and getting vaccinated. CDC They say there are vaccines that are safe for people of all ages and everyone should consider getting vaccinated against the disease.

If you come into contact with an infected person, you may be given antibiotics to prevent the disease from developing, but doctors primarily provide symptomatic treatment to help patients feel more comfortable.

If the cough has already started, the infected person only has to hold it back. This can take several weeks, and the cough remains contagious throughout that time.




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