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Breakdancers say too much headspin can lead to 'conehead' | Health

Breakdancers say too much headspin can lead to 'conehead' | Health
Breakdancers say too much headspin can lead to 'conehead' | Health


Are you going to breakdance today? If so, ease up on the headspin. Unless, in the end, you don't want to be a “conehead”.

Because breakdancing involves extreme physical demands, it is known to carry a high risk of injury. hair removal Sprains and injuries to almost any part of the anatomy.

Photographs showing the protuberance before surgery (A) and at follow-up one month after surgery (B). Photo: BMJ

But now breakdance enthusiasts are being warned of a new danger. The idea is that if you rotate your head too much, you can develop a large bump on the top of your head.

This is a case published in a leading medical journal about a Danish man in his 30s who developed such a visible lump on his head as a result of breakdancing training up to five times a week for 19 years. It emerged as a potential danger in the report. , and underwent surgery to remove it.

This is the result of what breakdancers call a “headspin hole” or “breakdance bulge,” which BMJ Case Reports describes as “an overuse injury typical of breakdancers caused by repetitive headspins.” ” he explains.

A case report written by two doctors who treated him at Copenhagen University Hospital states: “His training regimen consisted of approximately five sessions per week, each session lasting approximately one and a half hours. During each session, direct pressure was applied to the crown of the head. [from spinning on it] Duration ranges from 2 to 7 minutes. ”

Over the 5 years before he was referred for treatment of the protrusion, “the protrusion had increased significantly in size and started to become tender. The presence of the lesion and the associated discomfort were aesthetically unpleasant for the patient.” However, the bump did not prevent the patient from continuing with head-turning activities.”

Doctors initially considered various diagnoses, including the possibility that the bulge was cancer or a benign tumor.

An MRI scan revealed what the authors of the case report called a “subgale mass near the midline apex measuring 34 cm x 0.6 cm x 2.9 cm.''

This turned out to be an extreme example of a scalp lump that could involve a “head spin hole.” “In radiological descriptions, the term 'pyramidal sign' is used,” the doctors wrote.

The anonymous man was tired of wearing hats to hide his spiky growths and chose to have surgery rather than steroid injections.

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He told BMJ Case Reports he was happy to have a more normal shaped head back. “The results were much better than before and I’m glad I did it,” he said. “If I had a choice, I would do it again.

“I can now go out in public without wearing a hat, which of course makes me very happy. I have received a lot of positive feedback, with people saying things like, “It looks great,'' and “My scars are getting better.'' “My overall appearance has greatly improved.'' ”

The case report does not say whether he still rotates his head five times a week.




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