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The spread of avian influenza continues in humans, but is it slowing down in cattle?

The spread of avian influenza continues in humans, but is it slowing down in cattle?
The spread of avian influenza continues in humans, but is it slowing down in cattle?


Reported by Chuck Abbott of Successful Farming. that “The CDC confirmed a third human case of bird flu in California on the same day, but state officials announced Wednesday that they had identified two more possible cases, including a farm worker in the Central Valley. did.. In less than six weeks, California has become a hotspot for bird flu in the United States, with one-third of the country's infected dairy herds and all human cases occurring since September 6. ”

“Although the risk to the general public remains low, it is expected that California will continue to identify and confirm additional cases of avian influenza among individuals who have had contact with infected dairy cows,'' the state Department of Public Health said. said Mr. Abbott. “…excluding the two recent illnesses, 17 people have been infected with the avian influenza virus this year. All but one reported in Missouri on September 6th were dairy or poultry workers. “Mr. Abbott reported.

Avian influenza infection in humans. Courtesy of the CDC.

In addition to the California incident, Reuters' Julie Steenhuisen reports. “Four additional health care workers in Missouri who had contact with hospitalized avian influenza patients developed mild respiratory symptoms, but the virus was not confirmed in any of them,” U.S. health officials said Friday. It was announced on .

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report brings the number of health care workers caring for patients in Missouri who developed respiratory symptoms to six,” Steenhuisen reported. “Unlike previous U.S. bird flu cases this year, the Missouri patient who was hospitalized on Aug. 22 had no known contact with infected animals. Scientists believe the virus spread between people. We are closely monitoring signs that it is starting to spread more easily.”

Is infection in cattle slowing down?

Abbott from Successful Farming reported in a separate article that “California reported outbreaks of bird flu in 12 dairy herds last week, but most states, including those under high scrutiny, are not finding any new cases, according to USDA data. It's been a few weeks now.

“Agriculture Secretary Eric Deeble cited Colorado and Michigan as examples of declining infections, and said on a multi-agency conference call that quarantining herds can eliminate the virus in dairy cows. It gives me confidence,''' Abbott reported. “Colorado leads the nation in infected herds with 64 animals, but no outbreaks have been reported since Aug. 13,” the USDA database says. California ranks second in the nation in number of cases, accounting for one-fifth of the herd of 256 animals in 14 states.

Farmers continue to push for vaccinations

Reuters' Leah Douglas and Tom Polansek report. that “U.S. farmers are ramping up pressure on the Biden administration to allow vaccinations to protect chickens, turkeys and cattle from bird flu infections that have devastated their flocks for three years.

“This fall, for the first time, the flocks of the $67 billion U.S. poultry industry are facing the dual risk of infection from dairy products and migratory birds that can spread disease,” Douglas and Polansek wrote. Reported. “Avian influenza is deadly to poultry and reduces milk production in dairy cows, but the largest outbreak in U.S. history has wiped out more than 100 million chickens and turkeys since 2022.”

Douglas and Polansek: “Rose Acre Farms, the second-largest U.S. egg producer, wants permission from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to administer the vaccine, CEO Marcus Rust told Reuters. ” reported Douglas and Polancek. “The company lost millions of chickens in the outbreak and is relocating its chicken breeding facility in Indiana because it is located across the highway from a wildlife preserve that attracts migratory ducks.” he said.

“In an August letter to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, the nation's major egg, turkey, and dairy industry groups stated that given the economic costs of the pandemic, vaccine deployment is not possible,” Douglas and Polansek wrote. He claimed that it was justified.” “And federal lawmakers say the USDA should accelerate vaccine research and develop new methods to help farmers avoid outbreaks.”

Bloomberg's Riley Griffin and Rusvika Suvarna report. “GSK, Sanofi and CSL have announced plans to continue production of avian influenza vaccines as a nationwide outbreak among livestock and poultry has caused multiple human infections and raised concerns about further spread. secured $72 million from the U.S. government to strengthen the

“The companies aim to use this funding to fill vials and prefilled syringes with stockpiled vaccine ingredients, increasing the country's total ready-to-use vaccine supply to 10 million doses by the first quarter of 2025.” Dawn・Mr. O'Connell said. The Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the Department of Health and Human Services said in an interview with Bloomberg News,” Griffin and Svana reported. “…the Office of Strategic Preparedness and Response has been working with influenza vaccine manufacturers since 2005 as part of a program aimed at averting pandemics. $37.9 million to CSL, $23.4 million to Sanofi, and $23.4 million to GSK. The latest award, which includes $10.5 million, will more than double the nation's supply of vaccines targeting avian influenza.

so far, Douglas and Polancek reported“The United States last year approved (the only) emergency use of an avian influenza vaccine to protect the California condor.'' Juliana Lennock, a wildlife disease expert at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, said, “The vaccine will be used in the United States.'' “This is a special case because this bird is listed as an endangered species.” The United States has vaccinated 94 condors and deaths from bird flu have stopped, she said in a webinar Thursday.




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