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Reducing sedentary time can prevent symptoms from worsening.

Reducing sedentary time can prevent symptoms from worsening.


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Scientists have noted that increased sedentary time increases back pain. Artem Podres/Stocksy
  • Back pain is a common experience, but it can become chronic and interfere with daily life.
  • Researchers are interested in finding the most effective strategies to help people experiencing low back pain.
  • Recent research shows that increasing your daily activity can help prevent back pain from worsening, rather than continuing a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Results show that reducing your sitting time by just 40 minutes can improve your back pain.

In the United States, back pain is a widespread problem. If you are overweight, older, or have stress-related conditions, you may be at increased risk for back pain. Experts want to understand what lifestyle interventions are most effective for people with low back pain.

a study Published in BMJ Open investigated how reducing your sedentary behavior by just one hour a day can help reduce back pain.

Participants who increased their moderate-to-vigorous activity by an average of 20 minutes a day and decreased their sedentary behavior by 40 minutes a day over a six-month period experienced lower back pain compared to a control group who remained sedentary. The increase was small.

The results highlight how simple changes to daily life can help people experiencing back pain.

Researchers in the current study wanted to better understand the relationship between low back pain, reduced sedentary behavior, insulin sensitivity, disability, and paraspinal muscle fat percentage. Paraspinal muscle fat and insulin resistance are both associated with lower back pain.

This study was a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Sixty-four adults participated in the trial. All participants had body mass index This indicates obesity or overweight, and participants reported less than 2 hours of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week. As measured by the accelerometer, participants remained seated for more than 10 hours, or at least 60% of the time they wore the accelerometer. Participants also had metabolic syndromeTherefore, this group is at higher risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Researchers excluded participants who already had diabetes, consumed excessive alcohol, or used tobacco products.

Before starting the trial, researchers used accelerometers to measure participants' physical activity and sedentary behavior for about a month. The researchers divided participants into a control group and an intervention group. The intervention lasted 6 months.

The intervention group attempted to reduce sedentary behavior by one hour each day. The control group continued with their normal lifestyle. On average, participants in the intervention group increased their moderate-to-vigorous physical activity by 20 minutes per day and decreased their sedentary behavior by 40 minutes per day.

The researchers conducted PET and MRI scans on a subsample of 44 participants to examine glucose uptake and fat fraction in paraspinal muscles.

Overall, there was no change in low back pain in the intervention group, while there was a statistically significant increase in low back pain in the control group.

Researchers also found an association between increased daily step count and improved glucose uptake in paraspinal muscles. Both groups showed an increase in pain-related disability, but there was no significant difference in pain-related disability between the two groups.

Researchers found no association between changes in low back pain intensity and changes in paraspinal muscle fat percentage, glucose intake, physical activity, sedentary behavior, or pain-related disability. .

The results add to the evidence that even simple changes in activity can be beneficial for people experiencing low back pain.

Study author, postdoctoral researcher, physical therapist Jua Norja highlighted the following findings: Today's medical news:

“Back pain is a common symptom, but it can sometimes be disabling. Previous research suggested that sitting for long periods of time may be a risk factor for back pain. But our study is one of the first to actually look at what happens when you start sitting less.”

“And we actually found that limiting daily sitting time helps prevent back pain. For a variety of reasons, we can't give a single threshold of 'safe' sitting time, but the main The idea is to change your normal sitting habits for the better. Either go from 10 hours a day to 8 hours a day, or go from 8 hours a day to 7 hours a day. That day,” he added.

Low back pain remains a difficult problem for doctors and specialists to address. The results demonstrate how simple interventions can improve clinical practice and individual life outcomes.

Dr. Medachat MichaelJohn, a pain management specialist and medical director of the nonsurgical program at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center's Spine Health Center in Fountain Valley, Calif., who was not involved in the study, said the following about low back pain: emphasized. Today's medical news:

“Lower back pain is very common, but 80-90% of people in the United States have low back pain at some point in their life. Pain tends to increase with age, with statistics showing that the proportion is 28% for those aged 18 to 29, 35% for those aged 30 to 45, 45% for those aged 45 to 64, and 46% for those aged 65 and older. Masu. This is due to the progression of degenerative diseases, lack of exercise and physical activity, as well as the development of chronic diseases. ”

Everyone with back pain should work with their doctor to develop an individualized treatment plan. However, the findings add to the evidence that increasing activity is beneficial. Dr. Michael WheelerA spine orthopedic surgeon at Texas Orthopedic Associates, who was also not involved in the study, pointed out that: MNT:

“For health care providers, this study suggests that recommending reduced sitting time may help prevent worsening of low back pain, especially in patients with mild symptoms. , to achieve better results, reducing sitting time should be combined with other strategies such as increased physical activity, strength training, and managing emotional responses.

“A balanced approach is key to addressing both pain and function. The body is designed to move, and reducing the amount of time you spend sitting provides additional health benefits beyond reducing back pain. ,” he said.

This study has limitations, including the small size and relatively short duration of the initial trial. This trial focused on Finnish participants, so future studies may include more diversity. Additionally, the researchers did not select the sample based on pain status, which may have reduced statistical power.

Some of the data the researchers relied on was self-reported by participants, and this is important to consider in this type of research. The researchers noted that many participants in the control group were disappointed that they were not in the intervention group, and that negative emotions may have influenced their pain intensity. I am doing it. It is also possible that the benefits of increased physical activity influenced the observed results.

Overall, the researchers acknowledge that participants' pain perception may have been influenced by their assignment to the control or intervention group. The trial also did not consider pain history as an exclusion or inclusion criterion, only assessing pain and disability at baseline and at the end of 6 months. The researchers also used some unvalidated questions to assess back pain, which may have influenced the results.

The researchers acknowledge that they did not apply specific low back pain-related eligibility criteria. Additionally, because this paper is a secondary analysis, the authors did not calculate power for disability or low back pain.

Norha pointed to the following areas that require continued research:

“Most of the participants in our study only felt mild pain at the beginning of the study. Future research could investigate whether sitting less can also help people with more severe pain. My hypothesis is that people with moderate or severe pain will need to reduce their sitting time by at least one hour per day and also incorporate more vigorous and strengthening exercises.




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