Number of pertussis infections has increased by more than 340% compared to this time last year
Whooping cough (whooping cough) infection The number of infected people in the United States continues to rise, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimating that as of October 5, there were more than 17,600 infected people.
This is an increase of more than 340% compared to the 3,962 cases reported in October last year.
Before the pandemic, the number of infections typically exceeded 10,000 per year, and jumped to 18,600 in 2019.
After the pandemic, Diagnosis of whooping cough The number of patients has plummeted, with only 2,100 cases reported in 2021.
Are additional vaccines needed because of the rise in whooping cough cases?
The 10 states with the highest number of cumulative infections (year-to-date) include Pennsylvania (2,209), New York (1,228), Illinois (1,153), California (1,123), and Wisconsin (903). ), Washington state (844 people), and Ohio (814 people). ), Texas (676), Oregon (546), and Arizona (491).
What is causing the rise?
One theory for the surge is that the number of infections declined sharply during this period. COVID-19 pandemicbecause wearing masks, social distancing, and other infection protocols can help prevent whooping cough.
“Our immune system is ramping up even more now because it's being exposed to viruses and bacteria it's never seen before, and it's reacting more slowly,” said FOX News Senior Medical Analyst. says Dr. Mark Siegel, clinical professor of medicine. New York University Langone Medical Centerhe previously told Fox News Digital.
Are additional vaccines needed because of the rise in whooping cough cases?
Whooping cough outbreaks typically occur when there are populations with low vaccination rates, Katie Dubinsky, a New York pharmacist and CEO and co-founder of private supplement company Vitalize, previously told Fox News Digital.
“Whooping cough is highly contagious, and in areas where herd immunity is not strong due to the influence of infection, Insufficient vaccinationthe disease can spread more easily,” she told FOX News Digital.
“Furthermore, immunity from vaccines or previous infections can wane over time, which could contribute to outbreaks.”
What is pertussis?
highly contagious respiratory tract infectionWhooping cough is given its more common name, “whooping cough,” after the severe cough that some people develop.
According to the Mayo Clinic, early symptoms are similar to a cold, including a cough, stuffy nose, runny nose, fever, and bloodshot, watery eyes.
Symptoms worsen over time and often result in severe, uncontrollable coughing attacks that end with a “whispering” sound after the patient inhales due to mucus buildup in the airways, the same official noted. I am doing it.
“This is an underappreciated problem and a good reason why I routinely administer the Tdap vaccine to my adult patients,” Siegel told Fox News Digital on Friday.
Tdap is a combination of three vaccines that protects against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis infections in teens and adults.
The DTaP vaccine is the same three-dose vaccine given to children.
“The vaccine is effective and remains effective for three to five years,” Siegel said. “Everyone should get the latest vaccine.”
Vaccines provide protection against infection, but serious illness in childreninfants who are too young to be vaccinated are at greatest risk.
“This disease is particularly problematic for young children whose airways are not fully developed,” Professor Siegel warned.
Pregnant women are encouraged to receive the Tdap vaccine during each pregnancy, as it helps protect their newborn until their own vaccination is available.
When to see a doctor
Young infants and people with weakened immune systems can become seriously ill, so it is important to take the following measures: doctor's examination If you suspect whooping cough, an expert can advise you.
“Unfortunately, the diagnosis is often missed because a dry cough can be mistaken for a virus,” Dr. Siegel said.
Adults can be treated with doxycycline, a type of antibiotic that prevents bacteria from growing and spreading.
Azithromycin is a common treatment for children, Siegel said.
“This condition becomes dangerous if it leads to severe coughing attacks that cause the infant to have difficulty breathing, vomit, or disrupt normal breathing patterns,” Dubinsky said.
In addition to give antibioticsshe said it's important to manage symptoms, especially in severe cases.
“This may include hospitalization of infants and people with severe symptoms for monitoring and treatment of complications.”
Approximately 160,000 children under the age of 5 die from pertussis each year worldwide, with 24 million cases occurring annually, according to CDC data.
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