Federal Government announces $95 million reserve fund in case deadly H5N1 bird flu arrives in Australia
The impending arrival of deadly bird flu in Australia has prompted the Federal Government to establish a $95 million preparedness fund as part of a series of biosecurity and environmental measures.
Labor announced on Sunday it would fund a number of initiatives to prevent or reduce the impact of avian influenza H5N1 in Australia. Although H5N1 avian influenza has not yet been detected in the country, it is causing increased mortality and mortality. Birds and other animals around the world are suffering from serious diseases.
Agriculture Minister Julie Collins said H5N1 avian influenza “posed a real and significant threat to Australia's agricultural sector”.
Mr Collins said Australia had already been affected by other avian influenza strains, highlighting the need for continued funding for “national preparedness”.
“Today's announcement will strengthen our ability to detect any intrusions, strengthen our biosecurity response when it matters, and work together to jointly manage national biosecurity threats.”
That's all 2 million chickens were euthanized nationwide This year, it is the result of three other bird flu outbreaks.
$37 million in funding will be provided for biosecurity responses, public information campaigns and wild bird monitoring as part of efforts to protect the agricultural industry against further outbreaks of avian influenza.
Australia is The only continent to have escaped H5N1 so farHowever, other strains, such as the H7 group, have a significant impact on commercial egg production in multiple states and There are many warnings that H5N1 is not far from our shores..
Endangered species at risk
Labor's announcement sets aside an additional $35.9 million for environmental measures such as protecting endangered species at state and territory level and protecting vulnerable species already in captivity (such as zoo populations). Ta.
Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek said she was particularly concerned about the potential impact on native species already at risk of extinction, particularly those that “are not well-equipped to cope with significant mortality.” said.
Mr Plibersek said seabirds such as the Australian sea lion and the Christmas Island frigatebird were at risk of extinction. Especially likely to be destroyed by the H5N1 strain.
“While HPAI H5N1 infections have not yet occurred in Australia, the frightening reality of this disease is that, like the rest of the world, we cannot prevent its arrival,” she said.
The Invasive Species Council welcomed the funding, with advocacy director Jack Goff saying it was “incredible news” but that it would be “just a down payment” if H5N1 reached Australia.
“The Albanian government is finally investing heavily in preparing for what could be the worst environmental disaster in Australian history,” he said.
“While we cannot stop the arrival of this disease, we know that vaccination, carcass removal and deterring disturbances can reduce mortality rates and save species such as the tushy devil, sea lion and black swan. .”
Mr Gough said the funding should be the first step in “a monumental change in the way environmental biosecurity threats are managed in Australia”.
Influenza vaccine stocks will also be replenished as part of a $22.1 million supplemental package to the national medical stockpile as part of the public health response to avian influenza.
Health Minister Mark Butler said the funding was aimed at ensuring authorities were as prepared as possible for any potential cases.
“While human infections with avian influenza viruses are rare and the risk to Australians currently remains very low, there is no room for complacency,” he said.
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