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Australia cannot stop deadly bird flu, minister warns

Australia cannot stop deadly bird flu, minister warns
Australia cannot stop deadly bird flu, minister warns


The federal government has announced it will spend about A$100 million (NZ$110.5 million) on Australia's “preparedness and protection” as the arrival of deadly bird flu is deemed “inevitable”. .

Australia is the only continent without an outbreak of H5N1 bird flu, but farmers have been warned to prepare for its arrival.

The federal government has allocated an additional A$95 million (NZ$104 million) to prepare for H5N1, a disease that causes respiratory disease, reduced egg production and sudden death in wild birds and some mammals in other countries. Ta.

“The terrifying reality of this disease is… Like the rest of the world, we won't be able to stop its arrival,” Environment and Water Minister Tanya Plibersek said on Sunday.

Plibersek said the virus' impact on endangered species is of particular concern.

Invasive Species Council advocacy director Jack Goff welcomed the funding announcement but said Australia would not be able to stop the disease from arriving.

Birdcare Aotearoa takes you behind the scenes at hospitals and rescue centers as they prepare for the possible arrival of bird flu in New Zealand. (Source: Seven Sharp)

He said the funding was a “preparatory down payment” to ensure departments could operate “properly.” [prepare] To save wild animals and prevent extinction. ”

“The Albanian government is finally committing significant funds to prepare for what could be the worst environmental disaster in Australian history,” Mr Goff said.

The Commonwealth Fund includes A$35.9 million (NZ$39.6 million) to strengthen environmental measures and the protection of threatened and priority species.

A further A$37 million (NZ$40.7 million) will be invested in protecting Australian agriculture, including strengthening biosecurity and scientific capacity, nationally co-ordinated communications and enhanced bird monitoring.

The remaining A$22.1 million (NZ$24.4 million) will be used to increase the number of ready-to-use pandemic influenza vaccines in the national medical stockpile.

This allocation builds on the A$1 billion (NZ$1.1 billion) additional biosecurity funding announced in the 2023 Budget.

Virologist Gemma Geoghegan told Breakfast that the virus is usually transmitted “by wild animals, usually wild birds”. (Source: Breakfast)

Mr Goff said the investment marked a “major change in the way we deal with environmental biosecurity threats”, but further funding would be needed if influenza was found in Australia.

H5N1, known as highly pathogenic avian influenza, primarily infects animals.

But of the 900 human infections recorded worldwide, more than half were fatal, according to the World Health Organization.

The strain has reached all continents except Australia/Oceania, but the situation is expected to change as bird migration occurs during the warmer months.

Minister for Health and Aged Care Mark Butler said there was “no room for complacency” when it comes to human infections.

He said the interim Australian Center for Disease Control was focused on ensuring Australia was “as prepared as possible”.




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