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The importance of undergoing breast cancer screening | GW Today

The importance of undergoing breast cancer screening | GW Today


Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting women worldwide. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 297,000 women in the United States were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in 2023. Although therapeutic advances have improved outcomes, early detection remains the key to successful management and treatment of this disease.

“Regular screening can help detect breast cancer at an earlier stage, often before it spreads,” she explained. Pavani Chalasani Head of Hematology and Oncology GW Cancer Center. “Early detection of breast cancer leads to better outcomes.”

Understanding breast cancer screening

Breast cancer screening aims to detect cancer at its earliest, treatable stage. Screening tests detect diseases before signs and symptoms become apparent. Most breast cancer tests are non-invasive and can be done in one visit or at home.

  • Mammogram: This imaging test uses low-dose x-rays to examine breast tissue. It can detect tumors and precancerous abnormalities that are too small to be perceived, allowing for early intervention and increasing the likelihood of successful treatment.
  • Clinical breast examination: Your health care professional will perform a physical examination of your breasts to check for lumps or other abnormalities in your breast tissue and to check for any visual changes. It is often done as part of a regular health check, especially for women who are at high risk for breast cancer.
  • Breast self-examination: A manual examination method in which an individual examines the breasts for lumps, changes in size, shape, texture, or other abnormalities. Self-examination is not a substitute for a professional exam, but it can help you get to know your breasts better and notice any unusual changes early.
  • Other imaging tests: If your mammogram or lab test detects abnormal areas, your health care provider may order additional imaging tests, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or ultrasound. These tests give a more detailed picture of the breast tissue and help determine whether a biopsy is needed. These may be used in women with dense breast tissue or who are at high risk of developing breast cancer.
  • core biopsy: This procedure uses a hollow needle to remove a tissue sample from the abnormal area and examine it under a microscope for cancer cells.

“Screening plays a critical role in early detection of breast cancer, which is highly curable. Thanks to improved screening and advanced treatments, breast cancer deaths have decreased by more than 50% over the past 30 years.” said. Rachel BremDeputy Director of the Department of Radiology, GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences. “Women should use all tools available to them, including risk-based screening and breast self-examination, to maximize early detection. Annual mammograms should begin at age 40. , for women with dense breast tissue, additional screening such as ultrasound or MRI is essential to detect early cancer.”

Why screening is important

  • early detection: I can't say this enough times. The main goal of breast cancer screening is to detect cancer at its earliest, most treatable stage. Early detection, usually by mammography, is often less invasive and offers more treatment options. According to the American Cancer Society, women whose breast cancer is detected early have a 99% five-year survival rate.
  • reduce mortality: Regular screening significantly reduces breast cancer-related mortality. a Swedish research showed that women who had all scheduled mammograms had a 66% lower risk of dying from breast cancer compared to women who did not have a mammogram.
  • Minimize the need for aggressive treatment: If breast cancer is detected early, treatment is often less aggressive. This means a smaller surgery, such as a lumpectomy (removing just the tumor) rather than a mastectomy (removing the entire breast), which may avoid chemotherapy. Early cancer treatments tend to be less invasive and have fewer side effects, helping patients maintain their quality of life.
  • provides peace of mind: There is no need to worry as there are regular inspections. For many women, having regular breast cancer screenings helps them feel less anxious and stressed because they know they are actively monitoring their health. Even if a mammogram reveals a benign condition, it's often better to be sure than worry about the unknown.

Who should get tested?

Breast cancer screening guidelines vary depending on your age, risk level, and family history. Here are the GW Breast Center's recommendations for women at average risk:

  • 40-44 years old: Women in this age group have the option of starting mammograms every year.
  • 45-54 years old: We recommend a mammography examination once a year.
  • Over 55 years old: As long as a woman is healthy, she can continue with annual screening or switch to mammography every two years.

Women at higher risk for breast cancer (such as those with a family history of breast cancer, a genetic predisposition such as a BRCA mutation, or a history of chest radiation therapy) may need to start screening earlier and more often. It is essential to discuss your personal risk factors and appropriate testing schedule with your health care provider.

“For high-risk cancer patients, vigilance is key. Being aware of personal risk factors and adhering to a regular testing schedule can make a big difference,” said Christine Thiel, director of the center. said. GW Breast Center. “We provide comprehensive support to high-risk breast cancer patients through personalized care plans, advanced screening methods, genetic counseling, and early detection strategies and customized prevention options.”

What to expect during the screening

Mammography is a relatively quick and safe test. During screening, a mammography technician places each breast between two plates on a mammography machine and compresses the breast to take a clear x-ray image. Some women may experience mild discomfort during compressions, but it is usually short-lived. The entire process typically takes about 20 minutes.

A radiologist will review the results and check for abnormalities in the breast tissue. If anything suspicious is found, further testing may be needed to determine if it is cancerous.

life-saving choices

Breast cancer screening is one of the most effective tools in the fight against breast cancer. This empowers women to take control of their health and make informed treatment decisions. By making breast cancer screening a part of regular medical care, women can significantly reduce their risk of terminal cancer and increase their chances of survival. Early detection is not just about finding cancer. It's about giving women the best chance of living a long, healthy life.

support GW General Breast Care Center

GW Comprehensive Breast Care Center provides each patient with expert, compassionate care through a variety of preventive, diagnostic and treatment services.

Donation The center provides direct assistance to patients facing financial hardship related to a breast cancer diagnosis. Contributions can help cover important medical expenses not covered by insurance, such as prescription costs, medicines, and travel expenses. Donor support also ensures access to important services such as patient navigation, social work, and nutritional guidance. Your generosity allows our patients to receive the comprehensive, personalized care that everyone deserves throughout their treatment.




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