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More than 900 health workers died in the battle with Covid-19.


Top line

More than 900 front-line health workers have died of coronavirus, according to a new study by. Guardian And Kaiser Health News (KHN) This provides the most comprehensive picture of the viral victims to health care workers to date, revealing the disastrous lack of protective equipment.

Main facts

A study reports that 922 health care workers across the United States have died from the virus and its complications. This includes critical support staff such as doctors, nurses, paramedics, and nursing home workers and hospital caretakers.

Of the nearly 1,000 deaths found through crowdsourcing, social media, previous reports, online obituaries, and trade unions, Guardian And KHN 167 were able to identify, identify and learn the exact situation, 38% were nurses.

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The majority (62%) were identified as colored, and about a third were born outside the United States, create Only 38.8% increase in all front line workers and immigrants, which make up 16.2%.

While the average age of coronavirus victims is 78, the average age of health care workers under investigation is 57, 13% of all deaths under 40 and 5% under 30.

The majority of the confirmed deaths were in April, with New York and New Jersey facing subsequent fatal surges, the states with the highest deaths for health care workers.

Dozens of people who died (38%) were unable to access appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) due to shortages that plagued the country during the April outbreak.

Big number

8. Number of medical staff 20’s The person who died at Covid-19.

Main background

Lack of coordination on national protective equipment became a major obstacle in the early stages of the pandemic. Emergency supplies were over-supplied in some areas, but overflow hospitals were unable to get the supplies needed to control the spread of the virus. “The fact that there was no centralized approach to how PPE provided resources throughout the country was a real big deal.” Said Andrew Chan, recent author Lancet public health A study showing that health care workers with poor PPE were at a 30% higher risk of infection than their well-protected peers. The lack of testing up to a few months to a pandemic that publicly endorses or encourages the use of strict social distance measures and masks and the lack of PPE, summarized by the White House’s refusal, are believed to have resulted in high casualties. It is possible.

Surprising facts

Centers for Disease Control has its own health care fatalities tracking function, which has 587 deaths, but government agencies confirmed That number is less than the true sum.

Important quote

“They are dying like soldiers hitting a bullet.” Said Trump May announces expansion of strategic national stockpiles.


“Dying Youth: Healthcare Workers In Their Twenties Killed By Covid-19” (Guardian)

“Get lost at the forefront” (Guardian)

“US PPE: What’s wrong?” (Contagious live)

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