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Health Talk | The critical role of effective vaccination in tackling antimicrobial resistance

Health Talk | The critical role of effective vaccination in tackling antimicrobial resistance


Growing evidence points to the need to better utilize vaccines against vaccine-preventable diseases to reduce the burden of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and associated mortality.

Vaccines may be essential to reducing the overall burden of AMR by preventing infections, reducing antibiotic use and overuse, and slowing the emergence and spread of drug-resistant pathogens. (HT PHOTO) premium
Vaccines may be essential in reducing the overall burden of AMR by preventing infections, reducing antibiotic use and overuse, and slowing the emergence and spread of drug-resistant pathogens. (HT PHOTO)

A new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) finds that vaccines against 24 pathogens could reduce the number of antibiotics needed each year worldwide by 22%, or 2.5 billion prescribed doses per day. The findings will support global efforts to combat antimicrobial resistance.

Some of these vaccines are already available, but others are underutilized. It needs to be developed and brought to market as soon as possible, the WHO report said.

AMR occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites become unresponsive to antibiotics, making people sicker and increasing the risk of illness, death, and the spread of difficult-to-treat infections.

Experts say AMR is primarily caused by the misuse and overuse of antibiotics, but at the same time many people around the world do not have access to essential antibiotics.

According to a WHO report, there are nearly 5 million AMR-related deaths worldwide each year.

Vaccines may be essential in reducing the overall burden of AMR by preventing infections, reducing antibiotic use and overuse, and slowing the emergence and spread of drug-resistant pathogens.

The new report expands on WHO research published last year in BMJ Global Health. The report found that vaccines already in use against pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib, the bacterium that causes pneumonia and meningitis), and typhoid prevent up to 106,000 AMR-related deaths per year. We estimate that it is possible to avoid this. An additional 543,000 AMR-related deaths per year could be avoided if new vaccines against tuberculosis (TB) and Klebsiella pneumoniae are developed and rolled out worldwide. New tuberculosis vaccines are in clinical trials, while vaccines against Klebsiella pneumoniae are in the early stages of development.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: “Tackling antimicrobial resistance starts with preventing infectious diseases, and vaccines are one of the most powerful tools we have for doing so.” “Prevention is better than cure, and increasing access to existing vaccines and developing new vaccines for serious diseases such as tuberculosis are critical to saving lives and turning the tide on AMR. ”

Vaccinated people have fewer infections and are protected from potential complications from secondary infections that may require antibiotics or hospitalization. The report analyzed the impact of vaccines already licensed and those in various stages of development.

The report found that vaccines against pneumococcal disease could save 33 million doses of antibiotics each year if 90% of the world's children and older people were vaccinated, the goal of Immunization Agenda 2030. 45 million doses of antibiotics could be saved if antibiotic adoption was accelerated in countries with high typhoid fever infections.

Malaria, which is caused by Plasmodium falciparum, could save up to 25 million doses of antibiotics that are often misused to treat malaria.

Tuberculosis can also have the greatest impact once it develops, saving between 1.2 and 1.9 billion antibiotic doses. This is a significant portion of the 11.3 billion antibiotics used annually for the diseases covered in this report.

Global economic impact is another factor, with hospital costs for treating resistant pathogens assessed in the report estimated at $730 billion each year.

Preventing, diagnosing, and treating infectious diseases requires a comprehensive, human-centered approach that applies across the health care system. This approach recognizes that vaccination is the core of AMR prevention and is particularly effective when combined with other interventions. Governments, especially in low- and middle-income countries with a high burden of vaccine-preventable diseases, need to go back to the drawing board and devise better strategies to ensure targeted population coverage.

Rhythm Kaul, National Health Editor-in-Chief, analyzes the impact of this week's most important news on the health sector.




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