Is it better to eat before or after exercise? – Irish Times

Everyone has probably experienced it at least once. It's 6pm and you just got home from work. I want to go for a run, but I'm hungry. Should I eat dinner first and risk an upset stomach, or should I run first since I might have less energy to get through?
This is a problem that plagues even the most disciplined exercisers among us. And to further complicate matters, research on the topic is limited, and the answer depends on your personal health and goals.
That said, experts agree there are some general considerations to keep in mind.
what and when to eat
Health experts recommend eating both before and after exercise for a variety of reasons.
For most people, eating a balanced meal rich in carbohydrates and protein 2 to 4 hours before training provides enough energy to continue with your routine. This allows enough time for digestion and reduces gastrointestinal discomfort such as nausea, vomiting, and acid reflux, says Dr. Cedars Sinai, a cardiologist at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, who helps patients make lifestyle changes through diet and exercise. says Dr. Martha Gulati, who specializes in helping people. .
If you have a few hours until you plan to exercise, we recommend that your pre-workout meal includes high-quality protein (such as salmon, chicken, or tofu), complex carbohydrates (such as brown rice, oatmeal, or sweet potatoes), and a healthy source of nutrients. I will. Dr. Cecilia Córdoba Vallejos, a sports medicine physical therapist at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in the US, says you need to eat fats (avocados, eggs, or nuts).
Dr. Córdoba-Vallejos says eating a snack about 30 minutes before exercise can give you a boost of energy, especially if you've been doing moderate- or vigorous-intensity exercise for more than 90 minutes. She recommends just protein bars or energy gel packets that are easy on the stomach. Dr. Gulati recommends a slice of banana or your favorite fruit.
After your workout, aim to consume protein to support muscle growth and recovery. Ideally, the International Society of Sports Nutrition recommends consuming 20-40g within two hours. A can of tuna, chicken breast, or three scrambled eggs with cheese each fall within that range.
Identify specific goals

Meal timing also depends on your health and fitness goals.
If you have a medical condition that requires you to manage your blood sugar levels, such as diabetes, the recommendations are a little more nuanced, said Jill Canary, a professor of nutrition and exercise physiology at the University of Missouri.
Some studies have shown that people with symptoms such as: type 2 diabetes It may be better to have breakfast before exercising. A 2017 study of 64 adults with type 2 diabetes found that IndiaFor example, researchers found that people who ate breakfast before exercise had much better blood sugar control than those who didn't eat breakfast before exercise.
For people with type 1 diabetes, the suggestions may be different, says Professor Canary. For example, some research suggests that fasting before a moderate- or vigorous-intensity morning workout may be safe and even desirable for people with type 1 diabetes, depending on your blood sugar levels when you wake up. .
However, in general, working out on an empty stomach can come with some drawbacks. In an online survey of nearly 2,000 endurance athletes published in 2020, participants who said they avoided exercising on an empty stomach were more likely to believe that exercising on an empty stomach doesn't help with training, that it hinders athletic performance, and that hunger I answered that it was because it made me feel better.
If you want to reduce post-workout soreness and improve muscle growth and repair, eating a little extra protein and spreading it out throughout the day may help you achieve that goal, says Córdoba Vallejos says the doctor.
If you have food allergies or other dietary restrictions or medical conditions, consider talking to your doctor, sports medicine physician, or sports nutritionist to find a plan that fits your needs.
The most important thing you should do is pay attention to how your body feels when you eat (or don't eat) before exercising. If you're having an upset stomach after eating a protein- or fat-rich snack 30 minutes before your morning workout, try switching to a carbohydrate-dense snack, says Dr. Gulati. Alternatively, if you're doing a low-intensity workout, such as a leisurely walk or yoga, you may not need to eat first.
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Over time, she says, you'll learn what your body needs. “There's no perfect science,” Dr. Gulati says, adding that everyone has different needs, goals, diets, and schedules, but if you're patient, you'll find a routine that works for you. – This article was first published new york times.
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