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Menopause: A taboo for women – United Nations Western Europe

Menopause: A taboo for women – United Nations Western Europe


Claire Underwood, the wife of the president of the United States, sticks her head in the refrigerator, trying to quell a hot flash. series house of cardsThis song, which was a big hit in the 2000s, doesn't stray too far from the cliché that “menopause equals heat.”

For many women, the conversation about menopause ends there. Around the age of 50, you may experience temporary, albeit unpleasant, hot flashes, but after a few months you will no longer have periods and, of course, no more babies.

Menopause is a natural phenomenon that occurs to all women, usually between the ages of 45 and 55. The ovaries gradually reduce the number of eggs and eventually stop producing them completely. Estrogen levels drop and menstruation stops.

I wish it were that simple.

Perimenopause: A bitter prelude

Before reaching this stage, women experience perimenopause. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this can last for several years and can affect physical, emotional, mental and social well-being.

During perimenopause, menstruation becomes unpredictable. Sometimes they come every two months, sometimes twice a month, and often the cycle is erratic. They can appear inconspicuously or, by contrast, as a violent flood.

Hot flashes are not as glamorous as they are portrayed on TV. The WHO describes it as “a sudden warming sensation in the face, neck, or chest that can last several minutes, often accompanied by skin redness, sweating, palpitations, and severe physical discomfort.” .

These symptoms can cause you to wake up many times during the night, sometimes with sheets drenched in sweat, and exhausted the next day. Add to this the potential for joint pain, weight gain, and of course…irritability. Irregular periods, constant sweating, sleepless nights, and aches all over my body make it difficult to stay calm.

Don't forget breast tenderness, vaginal dryness that makes sex painful, and body hair that gradually disappears from the armpits and reappears under the chin.

The global population of postmenopausal women is increasing. Women over 50 make up 26% of all women and girls in the world, yet many never talk about the challenges of menopause.

break the silence

If we talk more openly about this and information is better shared, women may feel more understood, supported, and equipped to get through this stage. Maybe you'll feel less “frustrated”.

What about women, sometimes very young, who have gone through menopause due to cancer treatment or other illnesses? When symptoms become unbearable, how many people discuss it with their partner, friend, doctor, or employer?

Why do only 6% of women take hormone replacement therapy? Although it may not be suitable in some cases, such as a history of breast cancer, it is rarely prescribed. Non-hormonal treatments also exist.

To break this taboo and encourage open discussion, WHO world menopause day And we continue to spread information on this subject.




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