Contact a Massachusetts tracer to order milk and help with your rent. Here is the reason
Luisa Schaeffer scrolls through the list of COVID quarantine cases for the day. Help one woman run out of milk and another find a doctor and make an appointment. Some men ask for help with paying rent. Image: Jesse Costa / WBUR
It’s a familiar moment. Children want to brew cereals and coffee, but you run out of milk. I think it’s okay—the store on the corner is just minutes away. However, if you have COVID-19 or are exposed to coronavirus, you should leave it alone. Even that quick errand may be the reason you get infected by someone else.
But choosing to keep others safe can be difficult without support. In many cases, the isolation of single parents and low-paid workers is unrealistic as they struggle to raise children and pay rent. In Massachusetts, the COVID-19 contact trace contains a specific role. This is a care resource coordinator, not common everywhere.
Luisa Schaeffer is a densely populated community of immigrants in Brockton, Massachusetts who spends his days coordinating resources.
Her first call for the day was to a calm woman at the door of her apartment, discussing whether to take that short walk to get groceries. Women have COVID-19. And chef fur’s job is to help a woman make the best choice for the public — sometimes the support she provides is as basic and important as the delivery of a jug of milk.
“That’s my priority, I have to put milk in her fridge right away,” Sheffer says. “Most of the time it’s simple, and simple can spread the virus.”
Women in need of milk are Community trace collaborative.. Contact tracers must call the quarantined people every day because they are exposed to the coronavirus and wait for 14 days to see if they are ill. Joint estimates estimate that 10% to 15% of cases require assistance. Their requirements are introduced to Chef Fur and other Care Resource Coordinators.
“A very large number of people have this razor-thin edge and often fall due to a single diagnosis like COVID. COVID response Manages the state contact tracking program. That’s why roles like resource coordinators are “essential for them to return to a feeling of wellness, wellness, and peace of mind.”
Sheffer finds her doctor, makes an appointment, and calls a woman who needs to apply for Medicaid while she is milking. The phone is in Spanish.
With her third client, Schaefer switches to her native language, Cape Verde Creole. Both the man and the mother across the line are ill and are absent from work. He applied for a food stamp and was denied. Schaeffer will send a text message to the regional official of the state government that manages the program. A few minutes later, the director sent back the text and he was in charge of the case.
Shepherd, who has deep roots in the community, temporarily financed the state’s contact tracing collaboration and later returned to her job to help patients understand the treatments prescribed at the Brockton Neighborhood Health Center. Help to follow.
According to the collaborative study, most client requirements are for food, pharmaceuticals, masks and cleaning products. Patients with COVID-19 may need to work for a few weeks or have unpaid work Help with rental support —Available to qualified Massachusetts residents—or applying for unemployment.
The Care Resource Coordinator even provides legal assistance when needed. An older woman employed in the laundry room of a nursing home was told not to pay her salary when she was sick. Schaeffer contacts CTC’s lawyer and becomes a CTC lawyer. Paid sick leave Required by most employers during a pandemic.
“So now everything is in place. She started receiving payments,” Sheffer reports.
There is a defect. Undocumented people return to work for fear of losing their jobs. With the local food bank gone, chef fur competes to find a local grocery store to help. Free canned foods and vegetables seem like a foreign dish to Schaefer’s clients, and some are from Cape Verde and Perdu. She looks for a nutritionist and opens a conference call cooking class.
“I like three-way calling,” she says cheerfully.
To date, Schaeffer and other Care Resource Coordinators have responded to over 10,500 support requests through the Massachusetts Contact Tracking Program. Demand is high in cities like Brockton, where infection rates are higher than in most states, and median household income is 28.7% lower.
Massachusetts carved out coordinating care resources as a separate task for this project. But the role is not new. The local health department regularly incorporates a service called support or wraparound service when conducting contact traces. For example, in the case of tuberculosis, public health personnel make sure that the patient has a doctor, is consulted frequently, and is taking medication.
“If you don’t have one, you don’t have one” Cigar Wraith, Chairman of the Massachusetts Association of Health Administrators.
Health’s Welch’s partner, who advises other states on contact tracking, says the importance of helping someone with food or rent while a resident is quarantined isn’t enough attention.
“I don’t see it as a universal approach to other contact tracking programs across the United States,” he says.
Some rushed contact tracking programs by schools, employers, or states during a pandemic cover the basics.
“They are in focus: get your positive case, find contacts, read the script, period, end” says Adriane Casalotti, Secretary-General of the National Association of City and County Health Authorities. “And that’s not the way people’s lives actually work.”
Casalotti acknowledges that this role of support and services for quarantined or quarantined people adds cost to contact tracking. To help ensure that people exposed to the coronavirus do not give it to others, she has to support this cost the federal government’s more funding and sick time requirements. Call for more money for government extensions and food banks.
“Personal life can be cumbersome and complex, so everything can be dropped and kept safe. Through challenges that may need to be made easy for us, Can help them,” says Casalotti.
This article was written in collaboration with WBUR and Kaiser Health News.
Copyright (c) 2020, NPR
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