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The number of mycoplasma pneumonia infections is increasing | NCIRD

The number of mycoplasma pneumonia infections is increasing | NCIRD



What the CDC knows

Bacterial infections caused by mycoplasma pneumonia In the United States, the number has been increasing since late spring and has remained high. Percentage of patients discharged from the emergency department with the following diagnoses: pneumococcus– Associated pneumonia or acute bronchitis has been increasing for the past 6 months, peaking in late August.

What does the CDC do?

The CDC is closely tracking the recent increase in cases. pneumococcus Investigate infectious diseases using a variety of surveillance tools to better understand differences in demographics, disease severity, and outcomes compared to infectious diseases pneumococcusInfectious diseases before the COVID-19 pandemic. The CDC is also reaching out to healthcare workers and health departments to raise awareness of the spread. pneumococcus We work on monitoring infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance.

pneumococcus Bacteria that can cause pneumonia

mycoplasma pneumonia It is a common cause of mild respiratory illness. The number of people infected with infectious diseases has been increasing since late spring. pneumococcus It is especially increasing among young children. This differs from studies published the previous year, where most infections were observed among school-age children and adolescents.

mycoplasma Bacteria that can infect various parts of the body. pneumococcus It is a type of mycoplasma that May cause respiratory tract infection. Bacteria can damage the lining of your airways, including your throat, trachea, and lungs.

pneumococcus The infection is generally mild and most often manifests as a chest cold, but it can also manifest as pneumonia. Symptoms are usually gradual and include fever, cough, and sore throat. time pneumococcus As the infection progresses, it develops into pneumonia, a mild form of bacterial pneumonia commonly referred to as “walking pneumonia.”

pneumococcus May cause 'walking pneumonia'

People suffering from pneumonia caused by: pneumococcus For people with lung infections, things may look better than expected. If your symptoms are mild, you may not be at home or in bed. This is how the term “walking pneumonia” was born.

Although rare, serious complications from the infection may occur, including new or worsening asthma, severe pneumonia, and encephalitis (brain disease), which may require hospitalization. pneumococcus It is a common cause of bacterial infection in people who require hospital treatment due to community-acquired pneumonia.

pneumococcus Although the infection can occur at any age, it most often occurs in children ages 5 to 17 and young adults. young children may have various symptoms (e.g. diarrhea, wheezing, vomiting).

Diagnosis increases among all age groups, especially young children

pneumococcus Infections are common, with an estimated 2 million infections occurring each year in the United States. However, the true number of people affected each year is unknown. There is no national reporting or dedicated surveillance system to track these infections. pneumococcus Infections may occur more frequently in summer and early fall.

In 2023, pneumococcus I started Re-emerging worldwideAfter a long period of low infection rates since the start of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The CDC regularly monitors emergency department care for people with pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses. So far in 2024, CDC has seen an increase in the rate of pneumonia-related emergency department visits with a discharge diagnosis of “less than”. Pneumococcus.

of pneumococcus Hospital discharge diagnosis data from March 31, 2024 to October 5, 2024 shows an increase in all age groups across the country, peaking in August and continuing to remain high. However, the increase was tallest among children. Within this period, the proportion increased from 1.0% to 7.2% for children aged 2 to 4 years and from 3.6% to 7.4% for children aged 5 to 17 years. of There is a noticeable increase in the number of children aged 2 to 4 years old. because pneumococcus Historically, it has not been recognized as a major cause of pneumonia in this age group.

The CDC can also see data showing how often patients are testing positive. pneumococcus (i.e. test positive). These data indicate the following test positivity rates: pneumococcus It has also increased from 0.7% to 3.3% across all age groups since late spring. These data are derived from laboratory test results reported to clinical laboratories. bioMérieux BIOFIRE® syndrome trends This program tracks circulating trends in pathogens using laboratory data from across the United States.

pneumococcus spread through respiratory droplets

pneumococcus Bacteria are spread by breathing in droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. If other people breathe in those droplets, they can become infected. Strategies to prevent respiratory virusesMeasures like washing your hands and covering your coughs and sneezes also help prevent the spread of these germs.

Outbreaks primarily occur in crowded environments such as schools, university dormitories, and nursing homes. Epidemics may persist for the following reasons:

  • of long incubation period of M. pneumonia, It is 1 to 4 weeks.
  • The ability of bacteria to persist in the respiratory tract for several months. and
  • Symptoms such as cough persist for a long time.

Most people who spend a short period of time with someone who is ill pneumococcus Don't get infected. However, people who spend a lot of time with sick people pneumococcus The risks are increasing.

Some people are more likely to become infected than others. For example, people who are recovering from a respiratory illness or who have a weakened immune system are at higher risk of serious infections.

There are several ways to diagnose pneumococcus infectious disease

Under test pneumococcus Infections most often occur in emergency departments and hospitals. Less commonly, testing may be done in an outpatient clinic or doctor's office. To test pneumococcusa health care worker takes a specimen, often a nose or throat swab or, less commonly, a blood sample.

pneumococcus The test is typically done as part of a respiratory panel that tests for many pathogens, including influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, coronavirus disease (RS) virus, and other viruses and bacteria. Healthcare providers also often perform a physical examination of patients to look for signs of respiratory illness. If clinically indicated, a chest x-ray may be ordered to determine if the patient has pneumonia.

Antibiotic treatment may help people who develop pneumonia

Most people have mild symptoms pneumococcus Infections resolve spontaneously without the use of drugs. Over-the-counter medications can help you feel better during recovery.

Healthcare providers can use: several types of antibiotics to treat people with pneumonia caused by pneumococcus. pneumococcus bacteria exist naturally resistant to certain antibiotics Commonly used to treat other types of bacterial pneumonia (eg, beta-lactams such as amoxicillin). Macrolide antibiotics (such as azithromycin) are first-line antibiotic treatment for the following conditions: pneumococcus infection. Macrolide resistance pneumococcus It remains relatively rare in the United States.

accurately identify pneumococcus Control of infectious diseases and appropriate treatment of potentially infected people is complicated by unique challenges, including:

  • symptoms of pneumococcus Infections are often similar to diseases caused by other respiratory pathogens.
  • If the person diagnosed is absent for a long time pneumococcus Infectious diseases during the coronavirus pandemic. and
  • Some settings limit the use of available diagnostic methods or diagnostic methods.

Recommendations from the CDC

For clinicians and public health workers

  • Make sure healthcare providers are aware of the increase pneumococcus infection.
  • consider pneumococcus It is a possible cause of infection in children hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia.
    • suspicions grew pneumococcus Among patients with community-acquired pneumonia who do not show clinical improvement despite antibiotics that are known to be ineffective. pneumococcusβ-lactams, etc.
  • A clinical test will be performed in the following cases: pneumococcus Infection is suspected, especially in hospitalized children, and appropriate antibiotic treatment must be ensured.
  • consider Wipe both throat and nasopharynx To improve the likelihood of detection in respiratory swab specimens.
  • Consider using a second-line antibiotic regimen, such as a fluoroquinolone or tetracycline, to treat patients with suspected or confirmed infection. pneumococcus Patients with infections that do not improve with macrolide drugs.
  • Minimize the risk of antibiotic resistance by promoting the judicious use of antibiotics and not prescribing antibiotics unless indicated by clinical and/or laboratory evidence.
  • Promote CDC recommendations Core prevention strategies Prevent respiratory illnesses by practicing good hand hygiene and covering your coughs and sneezes.

For the general public

  • learn about pneumococcus symptoms Fever, headache, and a cough that gradually worsens. Caution should be exercised in people at higher risk of severe illness, such as those with asthma or reactive airway disease.
  • Please protect yourself and others by following Core prevention strategies to prevent the spread of pneumococcus and other respiratory bacteria.
  • See your doctor if you or your child have persistent or worsening symptoms that may include: pneumococcus Infections such as wheezing and difficulty breathing, especially if you or they are at high risk of developing serious illness.




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