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A dead cow on the side of the road shows the aftermath of the bird flu epidemic

A dead cow on the side of the road shows the aftermath of the bird flu epidemic


Tulare County, Calif. (KFSN) — As of Friday afternoon, there were 13 confirmed cases of bird flu in humans and hundreds of cattle in the state.

In the South Valley, a disturbing scene of infected and sick cows left on the side of the road has raised biosecurity concerns among local activists.

This video shot by Crystal Heath on Oct. 8 in rural Tulare County shows the aftermath of an avian flu outbreak.

The carcasses of several cows infected with bird flu were found lying on the side of the road for several days.

“I was pretty shocked to see these cows lying outside without any cover,” Crystal said.

She continued: “There were no signs to warn anyone of any biosecurity risks or even of an avian influenza outbreak.”

Crystal, a veterinarian and executive director of the nonprofit advocacy group Our Honor, said she is concerned about the spread of the virus.

“I was really worried about the flies. It's not well-studied how flies transmit the virus, or whether wild animals can get the virus by touching the mucous membranes of dead animals. I don't think so,” Crystal said.

Western United Dairies represents the Tulare County farm where the cow was found.

“It's very unfortunate. Farmers have little choice in this case. The need to separate sick cows from healthy cows to facilitate a process called rendering, and to separate them when they die.” ,” says Anja Raudabaugh, CEO of Western United Dairies. .

She said their protocol is that “rendering trucks need to be set up near public roads so they can't come into the dairy and potentially infect healthy calves.”

Anja also said that “the virus is currently known to be transmitted by what is called fomite transmission, so it can be transmitted from boots, shoes, tires, foreign cars, etc. in and around it.”

Anja said the flu had killed 10 to 15 per cent of the state's 1.7 million cattle.

This is an increase from the normal annual mortality rate of 1%, and the recent heat has made the situation even worse.

A further concern is employee protection.

“We are in the process of training our employees how to identify the signs and symptoms,” Anja says.

These signs include mild flu-like symptoms and conjunctivitis.

Personal protective equipment is also available to employees.

But activists say more needs to be done.

“There are 17,500 dairy workers in California, and we want to make sure they are not afraid to get tested for this virus, that they are protected, and that they are compensated if they have to take time off work. “We need to do more,” he said. crystal.

Additionally, “We advocate directing public funds to support non-animal food production methods from animal-based proteins to strengthen food security and public health,” Crystal said. express. Our dependence and dependence on animal-based proteins actually puts us at risk for pandemic viruses like bird flu. ”

Dairy and milk in California is a multi-billion dollar industry.

For more information about the avian influenza virus, please visit: here.

For the latest South Valley news, follow Kassandra Gutierrez. facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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