Emergency preparations to deal with looming catastrophe in Australia
Environmental officials will soon be vaccinating endangered wildlife populations against the inevitable outbreak of deadly bird flu, breeding captive “insurance” populations of endangered species, and The carcasses will be recovered to limit the spread of the disease.
The moves are being made by the Australian government in preparation for what experts say is an inevitable outbreak of the deadly avian influenza variant known as H5N1, which has decimated wildlife on every continent except Australia. This is an unprecedented move that we are preparing under a new $100 million funding package.
Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek said: “We are very concerned about this variant of bird flu.” “We know it's in Antarctica now. We know it's in Indonesia. We're the last continent that this subspecies hasn't reached. We're doing everything we can to prepare for it.” However, the simple truth is that we cannot eliminate this virus; it could have a devastating impact on our wildlife.”
Despite the warnings, the government has so far committed just $7 million to prepare for an H5N1 outbreak. But last week, conservation groups welcomed a new $100 million funding package and expressed hope that plans could move forward in earnest. More may be added to the bill as preparations progress.
Research published in journals genome biology Last year, it sequenced the black swan's genome and found it to be “highly sensitive” to the H5N1 strain, warning that an outbreak would put the species at “grave risk” of extinction. However, this is the only study to date to look in detail at the risks to animals in Australia.
“We don't know if Australian marsupials are more or less susceptible to infectious diseases,” Plibersek said. “We are working hard to have as much information as possible about Australia's unique response to this variant avian influenza. The saddest and most important lesson is that it is likely to lead to mass mortality. The animal populations being insured are particularly important.”
An “insurance population” is a captive-bred group of a rare species that is maintained to ensure reintroduction if the wild population becomes extinct. Current insured populations include orange-bellied parrots, swift-bellied parrots, koalas and Malayan emu wrens, but new species may be added to the list.
Exactly how to vaccinate animals and which species to choose has not been determined. But it is expected that the species most likely to be affected will be targeted, such as the Tasmanian devil, which can be infected by the virus by eating dead birds.
In North America, programs are underway to vaccinate the endangered condor, the world's largest bird of prey, as well as penguins in South Africa and ground-nesting birds in New Zealand.
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