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Toothbrushes and showerheads are covered in a virus 'unlike anything you've seen before' – new study

Toothbrushes and showerheads are covered in a virus 'unlike anything you've seen before' – new study


Toothbrushes and showerheads in American homes are full of viruses known as bacteriophages (bacteria eaters). new research I found it. Many of these “phages”, as they are known for short, have never been identified before.

Researchers at Northwestern University in Illinois swabbed 92 shower heads and 36 toothbrushes. they are explained What they discovered was “unlike anything we've seen before.” “Absolutely wild”. But how surprising is this discovery, and what should you do to stay safe?

We are increasingly recognizing that wherever we look for microbial species (viruses and bacteria), we are likely to find them, especially in moist areas where they thrive, such as showerheads and toothbrushes. It's no surprise that viruses that infect bacteria have been found in large numbers on shower heads and toothbrushes. Wherever there are bacteria, there will inevitably be viruses that infect the bacteria.

people's homes are different microbial communitiesincluding bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. And we've known for more than a decade that shower heads and their hoses can harbor a variety of bacterial species. These include those that can cause poor health, such as mycobacteria, which can cause respiratory infections. legionella bacteria Causes Legionnaires' disease and Pontiac fever Pseudomonas aeruginosawhich can cause ear and eye infections.

shower head

These bacteria are found on various levels of shower heads. More than 100 times What is contained in tap water?

There are always viruses in your shower head that can infect the bacteria there. And the more types of bacteria there are, the greater the diversity. It is likely that phages are present.

The microscopic ecosystem inside your showerhead also means that every time you take a shower, your body is coated with showerhead bacteria and associated phage viruses. And this is infection risk.

To disinfect your shower head, soak it in vinegar. It also has the advantage of removing limescale.

Unscrew the showerhead, shake off any soap residue, place the showerhead in a plastic bag or other container, and fill with enough undiluted white vinegar to cover the item. Leave for up to 2 hours.

After removing the shower head from the vinegar solution, rinse it thoroughly. Repeat this every month. Depending on the purpose.


Researchers at Northwestern University also looked at phages that live on regularly used toothbrushes. Not surprisingly, they also found a variety of phages on the brushheads.

The toothbrush comes into contact with it when you brush your teeth. structure inside the mouth (gums, teeth, tongue, cheeks, uvula, palate). And each of these is a home hundreds of species Bacteria and other microorganisms.

Oral microorganisms are important role It maintains oral health by eliminating harmful bacteria (pathogens), aiding in the digestion of food, and regulating the function of the heart and immune system.

As the US study found, the diversity of bacteria in the mouth and tooth microbiome will influence the diversity of phages found on toothbrushes.

Although this study provides an interesting snapshot of the diversity of the oral microecosystem (bacteria and viruses) on toothbrushes, some are concerned that microorganisms on toothbrushes may be a potential source of infection. Maybe.

The toothbrush virus identified was a bacteria, not a human virus, so there is no health concern. However, although the microorganisms on the toothbrush are not dangerous to the toothbrush owner, the microorganisms on the toothbrush are unique in themselves, so May cause infection to others When sharing toothbrushes. One person's harmless oral microorganisms can become a pathogen in another person, causing diseases such as: From colds to endocarditis (life-threatening inflammation of the lining of the heart).

Phage explained.

We recommend cleaning your toothbrush regularly. of NHS advises Run it under a hot faucet for about 30 seconds, then let it air dry.

other website advises Soak the toothbrush head in an antibacterial mouthwash or denture cleaner. For electric toothbrushes, please follow the following: Manufacturer's cleaning guide.

The message from the Northwestern study is that we live in a world rich in microbes, and that interactions with bacteria and other microbes in our homes are an essential part of human biology. That's it. And even though many new phage species are being discovered, as long as you follow the advice above and keep your showerhead and toothbrush clean, there's no need to worry.




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