Moffitt experts share the benefits of liver cancer education, research and rapid treatment
According to American Cancer SocietyThis year alone, approximately 41,630 people will be newly diagnosed with primary liver cancer in the United States. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type of primary liver cancer, followed by cholangiocarcinoma.
“For many years, HCC has been one of the cancers that continues to increase in incidence worldwide and is one of the most frequent cancers leading to cancer-related mortality,” he said. Dr. Daniel Anaya, Surgical Oncologist and Section Head of the Hepatobiliary Program Moffitt Cancer Center.
Common signs of liver cancer include abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), nausea, loss of appetite, and general malaise. Factors such as cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), hepatitis virus infection (hepatitis B or C), fatty liver disease, and inherited metabolic disorders increase the risk of liver cancer. However, maintaining a healthy weight, limiting alcohol intake, getting the hepatitis B vaccine, and screening and treating hepatitis C infection can all reduce your risk of developing liver cancer. .
The most common risk factor for liver cancer is chronic infection with hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus. research from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention It shows that one in two people with hepatitis B do not know they are infected. Hepatitis C infection also commonly goes undetected because many cases are asymptomatic. Although there is a vaccine for hepatitis B, there is currently no vaccine for hepatitis C. However, there are effective treatments for hepatitis C infection. Therefore, CDC guidelines recommend that all adults be screened for both hepatitis B and hepatitis C at least once in their lifetime.
Dr. Susan VadaparampilDeputy Center Director Community Outreach, Engagement, and Equity (COEE) At Moffitt, we work to bring new cancer prevention and control innovations to the broader community. When it comes to liver cancer, Vadaparampil's team is trying to educate both the public and health care providers about why screening for hepatitis infections should be a top priority. Against the backdrop of fairly new CDC hepatitis C screening guidelines, Vadaparampil is leveraging educational workshops, printed materials, and digital tools to raise awareness.
“Additionally, the COEE Office is working to ensure that Moffitt is responsive to cancer trends in our communities through rigorous research on prevention and early detection,” Vadaparampil said. “To address the increasing rate of liver cancer, Moffitt researchers in the Division of Population Sciences and the Center for Infection and Immunization Research and Cancer demonstrate the low rates of hepatitis C screening at the local, state, and national levels. We have undertaken significant research, and this data has informed the design and ongoing testing of the intervention in real-world clinical settings, in collaboration with community organizations.”
“In 2020, CDC updated its hepatitis C screening guidelines to include all adults,” Vadapalampil said. “However, we also know that it may take time for new guidelines to be adopted by the medical community. states that it can take up to 17 years for new guidelines to be adopted. Education is essential to shorten this period for new innovations to be fully implemented in clinical practice. ”
Lifestyle changes, vaccinations, screening, and treatment of infections are the keys to prevention, and early diagnosis is important for those who have already developed cancer. Liver cancer is usually diagnosed by a series of tests, including a physical exam, blood tests, and imaging tests (including a liver biopsy). If you are diagnosed with liver cancer, it is important to receive treatment immediately. Treatment at a cancer center with oncologists who regularly diagnose and treat this type of cancer can help eliminate long delays in treatment after diagnosis.
To that end, Moffitt has staff in place. Gastrointestinal oncology We work with a collaborative team of specialists, including gastroenterologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgical oncologists, pathologists, radiation oncologists, and supportive care specialists. This team is tumor board Evaluate each patient collectively. This collaborative approach allows patients to receive opinions from multiple experts in one place. “We do a multidisciplinary evaluation and discuss every patient on a weekly basis, so when a patient comes to Moffitt, everyone has reviewed their case and is prepared to begin treatment quickly and efficiently.” ,” Anaya said.
each liver cancer process The plans are very individual. Treatment includes a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, interventional radiology, and radiation therapy, among others. Moffitt patients have access to the latest treatment approaches through a robust portfolio of cutting-edge clinical trials, including new radiation therapies, chemotherapy drugs, immunotherapies, and more. Moffitt researchers are also working to better understand the biology of liver cancer and develop new treatments and new approaches to diet and physical activity, thereby improving patient outcomes. .
“Moffitt stands out in its pursuit of opportunities to provide clinical and clinical excellence in liver cancer, and our physicians and researchers work together to conduct research in Moffitt and community settings. It also excels in an integrated way,” Vadapalampil said. “We strive to always be good partners and remain focused on our patients and communities. Keeping these two groups at the forefront is our focus on cancer prevention and treatment. It helps accomplish both parts of the mission.”
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